real-life造句91. Inspired by the observation that some real-life networks' sizes grow as a geometric series, a growing complex network model with acceleratingly increasing number of nodes is proposed.
92. The price of a three-day course, which usually includes workshops and real-life hook-up training, ranges from 2, 500 to 4, 500 yuan.
93. The belief in vampires is one of the most wide-spread of superstitions, "real-life" instances of vampirism having been documented for hundreds of years.
94. Lightman is inspired by real-life lie detector, APS Charter Member and Fellow Paul Ekman, who has spent 50 years researching and characterizing facial expressions and body movements.
95. To keep it simple, in our example we construct this XML document by string concatenation; however, in a real-life project, you might need to use a Document Object Model (DOM) or a similar XML API.
96. At the low end it feels right, but I feel like there should be a fuzzy top limit on how many items a real-life shopper ever buys.
97. Wikicandidate has kicked off proceedings with an imaginary candidate based on a real-life American satirical comedian, Stephen Colbert.
98. In a real-life environment, more resources, business items, and organizations will generally need to be defined.
99. There may be more lonely people as a result of social media but that's all the more reason to get out there and make real-life contact.
100. Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the b.
101. One of the silicone-enhanced actresses who played a supporting role in both soaps said that since her TV appearances she has received offers from real-life drug dealers, both in Medellin and Cali.