balancing造句91. Now what about the one balancing factor, the planning system?
92. Stars will remain stable like this for a long time, with heat from the nuclear reactions balancing the gravitational attraction.
93. Men, however, overwhelmingly favored Republican ideas on downsizing government, balancing the budget and welfare reform.
94. The Republicans were wedded to conservative fiscal views that stressed the importance of balancing the budget and cutting taxes.
95. Hence, when the animal was running the tail could have stretched back horizontally and acted as a balancing organ.
96. Applying a balancing test, the court held that the danger posed by drug abuse outweighed the individual's expectation of privacy.
97. The balancing slower growth was supplied by the portmanteau of miscellaneous services.
98. Its moment about the centre of the rectangle increases and it needs balancing by one, but preferably two, additional drawings.
99. Bruno Bartoletti drew a skilled, nuanced performance from the Lyric orchestra, artfully balancing the harshness and lyricism of the score.
100. Balancing the budget is important, but it is not the central issue.
101. Some ride in wheelchairs, balancing trays heaped with bratwurst, red cabbage and crumb cake.
102. Many moderately priced clothing stores do an excellent job of balancing security and service needs at their dressing rooms.
103. The micro-environment probably has the potential for balancing the timing of wound healing if left undisturbed.
104. That's a balancing act that few southwestern cities have managed -- as Tucson's crumbling streets and contaminated wells attest.
105. Now that balancing act has become more precarious than ever.
106. Neither half of that balancing act has yet met with success.
107. Examples of this universal balancing act keep proliferating, stretching out my meditation as I shell periwinkles.
108. This may require the exchange to carry out a balancing act between competing interests.
109. His favourite party trick is balancing tin cans on his head.
110. Using political power to reduce market inequalities requires a high-wire balancing act.
111. And when it comes to balancing work and family life, research consistently confirms the importance of workplace culture on individual behavior.
112. Fernando Iturbe was next prevailed upon by Herrera to take up the problem of balancing the budget.
113. Meanwhile, the quest for continuity will also involve a balancing of work and personal priorities.
114. Einstein originally proposed a very small cosmological constant in the hope of balancing the tendency of matter to make the universe contract.
115. The question humankind must ask is whether the balancing act the president suggests is enough to stave off global devastation.
116. During trial-and-error learning, the system uses the feedback to control the movement of the balancing platform.
117. Balancing these tensions required finely honed knowledge and skill that the new managers had only begun to acquire.
118. By balancing the quantities supplied and demanded, prices ensure that the final quantity of goods being consumed can be produced.
119. That the development of procedural fairness does involve the court in a balancing function is undeniable.
120. If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.