upheld造句61. The Court of Appeals had just upheld random drug testing for high school cheerleaders in Indiana.
62. The Advertising Standards Authority upheld my complaint and ruled that the advertisements should be amended to clarify the matter.
63. For example, mandatory polio immunization of all school children has been upheld, despite the religious objections of some parents.
64. It now seems certain that, whichever party comes to power on 5 March, the latest funding measures will be upheld.
65. The court in 1994 upheld some limits on how close protesters can get to women entering abortion clinics to terminate pregnancies.
66. The High Court upheld a ban preventing the Mail on Sunday from publishing more extracts.
67. The decision was upheld by the US Supreme Court late last year.
68. A federal appeals court upheld the ban, approved by California voters in 1996.
69. Courts have also upheld the dismissal of teachers who are mentally disabled.
70. Nevertheless, the court noted that the overall trend in the statistics indicated a decrease in student enrollment and upheld the dismissals.
71. Alternatively, a more resolute and impressive personality on the throne could have upheld the statusquo.
72. Cheating on the White House tour ticket line is a time-honored tradition, upheld by generations of scalpers.
73. The case received wide publicity when a habeascorpus petition was upheld by two lower courts.
74. In some cases the courts have upheld a duty of confidence even where the information is demonstrably publicly available.
75. The importance of readability has been upheld for so long that all manner of methods have been devised for its measurement.
76. On Aug. 23 the appeal court upheld Kelly's original injunction against the blockades.
77. The Court upheld the Commission's decision, setting criteria to identify predatory pricing.
78. A federal court has upheld legislative term limits in Maine that do not have a lifetime ban.
79. The court also upheld the decision of the assistant recorder to reject the counterclaim which the defendant sought to introduce.
80. The Lords had initially upheld the interlocutory injunctions although the House subsequently refused to make the injunctions permanent.
81. The region could face action for breaches of race relations and education acts if the commission upheld complaints it has received.
82. Do many states have legislation outlawing undemocratic high school organizations, and have such laws been upheld?
82.try its best to gather and build good sentences.
83. A medical tribunal upheld four complaints laid by local health authorities against William McBride, 65, for false and misleading statements.
84. His decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords.
85. The laws have been strictly upheld, with fines of up to two thousand pounds for smuggling animals into Britain.
86. Civilized and productive societies reflect the long-term disciplines of female nature, upheld by religious and marital codes.
87. His decision was upheld by nearly every senior official in his inner circle.
88. If the appeal is upheld the appellant will be consulted on any statement to be published.
89. The veto was the 31st of the Bush presidency, all of which had been upheld.
90. The court of appeals upheld all except the spousal-consent requirement, a judgment affirmed by the Court.