sleep in造句91. She thought Robin must sleep in this bed with Penny, curled around her protectively as you would sleep with a kitten.
92. Two people can sleep in the same bed and still be alone when they close their eyes.Haruki Murakami
93. Do what is right in love and compassion and I will make his bed and you will sleep in peace.
94. What sounds like a distant waterfall rouses me from sleep in the early morning.
95. After recovering from back surgery, I can finally sleep in comfort.
96. Whether I get to sleep again myself I find difficult to determine; it's hard to recognize sleep in the dark.
97. Many birds nest and sleep in hedges and eat insect pests.
98. I had to sleep in a car for two weeks.
99. I have known between three and four dozen boys and girls sleep in one room.
100. Many doctors make the mistake of assuming that poor sleep in the elderly is due to old age.
101. Here, they sleep in bedrolls or in canvas tents, and eat hardtack and sip coffee heated over an open fire.
102. Point four, sleep in the nude.
103. Why did you sleep in Rabbi's room, Bean Sprout?
104. Let them sleep in their maggoty beds.
105. Marvin loves to sleep in doghouse.
106. Objective : To study the REM sleep in depression.
107. Newborn babies sleep in short bursts.
108. You can even sleep in cell block behind bars.
109. On the train, we sleep in snatches.
110. Does the housekeeper sleep in?
111. I slept my first peaceful sleep in three weeks.
112. You may think, "I'm only going to sleep in it", but if you think about it, you wear your nightclothes for a long period of time every day.
113. The happy ending is cold comfort:a ruck of bony children trying to sleep in a shantytown.
114. Article Fourteen: No one shall wear bulletproof vest during sleep in summer.
115. Many college students sleep in the daytime and party in the nighttime.
116. Polyphasic sleep involves taking multiple short sleep periods throughout the day instead of getting all your sleep in one long chunk.
117. Peace and long rest for weary old heart and head and limbs, and eternal sleep in the earth I have loved so well.
118. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angles sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest.
119. We wondered how such a hotel could be inhabitable until informed later that all tenants have to sleep in their sleeping bag.
120. Relatives of trapped miner Dario Segovia sleep in their tent at the relatives camp at the San Jose Mine near Copiapo, Chile Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010.