play in造句151 It is now doubtful whether urinary tract infection has any role to play in the production of this renal lesion.
152 ERS-1 will also measure sea temperature, contributing to studies into the role that the oceans play in determining global climate.
153 The Institute has a key role to play in bringing the expertise of transport professionals to bear on this issue.
154 Data archives also have an important role to play in setting standards for the documenting of machine-readable data.
155 It has a positive role to play in an organisation, and that role is particularly emphasised in this chapter.
156 The child is punished by not being allowed to play in the next school baseball game.
157 What role does labour force participation play in keeping lone parents out of poverty?
158 We don't know if Gascoigne will be fit to play in Saturday's game, but we're all hopeful.
159 What part does repetition play in creating a mood of sorrow, of hopelessness?
160 What, for example, is the basis for the influential role doctors have been able to play in health service policies?
161 Loading and storing the data Manchester Computing Centre has a crucial role to play in the care of the datasets.
162 Wages councils, set up in the early 1900s, have no role to play in the 1990s, ministers argue.
163 Democracy gave the poor, as well as the rich, a part to play in governing the city.
164 He played one Blimpish cameo in a short-lived play in Birmingham and a couple of small parts in television plays.
165 By lunchtime we had two complete runs of the play in the can.
166 On election day, bands play in Treby Magna and crowds line the way to the polls, heckling the voters.
167 I was allowed to play in a huge pile of white sand and to melt wire with a hot soldering gun.
168 Abstract internationalism had a strong role to play in rationalizing much more sinister forces than appeared in the rhetoric of Petrograd.
169 Fees to play in the golf tournament are $ 325 per person or $ 1, 300 per foursome, Bertino said.
170 But she has been given special dispensation to play in two events in her home state before that birthday.
171 Information is needed too about the part the patient is expected to play in preventing the spread of infection.
172 These accomplishments, and their new-found team spirit, were celebrated with social play in the evening.
173 Karpov's play in game 17 was a text book model of strategy, redolent of his very best days.
174 Parents need to understand the importance of play in a child's development.
175 But the university authorities agreed to rearrange an examination to allow him to play in a Varsity rugby match at Twickenham.
176 The kids eat popcorn and chips and play in back.
177 Although Napoleon was not much use on this occasion, the full-size skeleton has an important role to play in the future.
178 Both therefore see special educational provision as having an essential role to play in bringing about changes in mainstream education.
179 Owens is a genius at play in the fields of biotechnology, rather than the realms of cyberspace.
180 This is not to diminish the roles that homophobia played or continues to play in exacerbating the problem.