快好知 kuaihz

121. X disposes of property by way of gift to Y in 1993. 122. Medicare pays $ X for each kidney dialysis, $ Y for a double heart bypass. 123. There are also different kinds of drawing boards which will hold the paper firmly down and provide moving X and Y axes. 124. The pattern arises, we now know, because the gene is carried on the X chromosome. 125. He had spent his early years as a priest in the papal service under Pius X, whom he canonized. 126. Mr X sets up an overseas trust under which he and his spouse are excluded from all benefit. 127. The basic principle behind all the various systems is that of the x, y co-ordinate. 128. These edges can be considered mutually exclusive interpretations of some stretch of the utterance defined by the z and x axis. 129. The Biblical Commission, originally established to foster biblical scholarship, had been used by Pius X to repress it. 130. A large urea, 32 X 6.4 m, was uncovered to establish the perimeters of two burial mounds. 131. If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.Albert Einstein 132. An 18-inch cubit gives the measurement as 450 x 76 x 45 feet or 137 x 23 x 14 metres. 133. The height of the curve at any point on the dimension axis x is called the probability density of that particular value. 134. Failure to specify this third variable and its effects on x and y constitutes the problem of spuriousness. 135. Mr X and the spouse of Mr X may be excluded from all benefit. 136. He then sought a declaration that A.P.E.X. was not entitled to do this. 137. The uncertain understatement of X that may arise from this source is comparatively small. 138. Having said that, the fact is that Mrs X is company secretary and therefore a company employee. 139. The following year the surgeon arranged an x ray of her lumbar spine and a barium meal, which were normal. 140. Under X Window, the user can also retrieve data from several sources simultaneously and switch between applications. 141. I would like the lowest possible senior fare between X city and X city. 142. For simplicity there are only 9 flip-flops in a 3 x 3 array. 143. TeamLinks, which to date only operates on VAX/VME-based systems, comprises an X.400-based mail system and office automation software. 144. These steps give a higher estimate of X, as follows: 1. 145. X genes are not the only genes inherited through the female line. 146. The problem began when I converted my 4 x 2 to 4 x 4. 147. Who was Osvaldo's chief assistant these days, X. Ray or the Corporal? 148. In other words, does Y rise or fall consistently as X rises? 149. If instead the traveller goes along the y axis to Libreville, Quito is found to lie in the x direction. 150. However, x 3 is not now required to be an integer so we can only branch on x 1.