embryos造句31 Oct-11 mRNA was detected in the adult thymus and testes and in 14.5 day p.c. embryos.
32 Male embryos form in the right-hand side of the womb, females in the left.
33 A third group act as temporary recipients, incubating the newly reconstructed embryos within their oviducts until they reach the blastocyst stage.
34 The following Tuesday morning the embryos are recovered from the temporary recipients.
35 And behold: both turned into complete embryos, albeit smaller than normal.
36 Remember the Barbasol can full of frozen embryos, lost in the rainy mire?
37 Those scenes now include everything from human embryos, eclipses, insects and seed pods to comets, hands and candles.
38 Primitive streak stage embryos can also be manipulated using a dissecting microscope but the lower resolution makes such manipulations less precise.
39 Instead, he had simply made new embryos by nuclear transfer.
40 Geneticists normally don't know how genes exert their effects on embryos.
41 When researchers tried to mimic the results on other animals, such as chick embryos, it did not have the same effect.
42 So then Hans Spemann sought to re-enact the principle that Loeb had demonstrated, this time with his favourite salamander embryos.
43 Injection of InsP 3 can trigger breakdown of the nuclear envelope in sea urchin embryos.
44 Surprisingly, cells that will form the gut are on the outside surface of many early embryos.
45 The government has banned all scientific research using human embryos.
46 FIG. 3 a, Localized cell death in antibody-injected embryos at 27-28h of development.
47 Now that scientists have access to human embryos, the question of genetic engineering arises.
48 In the near future however scientists will be able to graft new genes into human eggs and embryos.
49 Genomecenter officials investigated, and found that Hughes was using government resources to perform genetic studies on test-tube embryos.
50 From quarter embryos to giant embryos, formed by fusing two eggs together, normal larvae emerge.
51 Most directly relevant in this context, however, were Spemann's experiments with two-cell salamander embryos.
52 Six years ago Congress banned assistance for any form of research that involved creating or destroying human embryos.
53 Methods for synchronizing such embryos and their component cells are dealt with in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
54 However, stem cells are generally taken from embryos created and routinely discarded all the time in fertility clinics.
55 The cell cycle at conception and in young embryos A new life begins with the fusion of sperm and egg.
56 In 1984, the survivors were all females and although they laid capsules, no embryos hatched.
57 Whatever the circumstances, it is standard practice in embryo transfer to introduce several embryos at a time.
58 The unfertilised egg cell began to divide to produce embryos that sometimes developed well.
59 This technique involves nudging two or more zona-free 8- to 16-cell embryos together in culture until they stick together.
60 This system allows direct comparison of contralateral limbs from a given embryo, controlling for variability among embryos and culture conditions.