hindu造句61, In Hindu lore, Rama is an incarnation of the god Vishnu.
62, Her replacement, Sister Nirmala, was born a Hindu but converted to Catholicism and has been with the order since 1958.
63, Thus, Hindu religious processions often passed Mohammedan mosques at prayer time and that irritated the followers of the Prophet.
64, But from Gujarat east, the urban societies were committed to Hindu and Hindu-Buddhist traditions.
65, Some texts heighten irrational thinking and glorify upper-caste Hindu symbols.
66, Veneration of the images is therefore for the devout Hindu worship of Brahman.
67, It sold ten thousand copies and was followed by my Hindu View of Art.
68, For the Hindu mind, unshakeable in its belief in the transmigration of souls, the ailing body is beside the point.
69, Agelong Hindu cruelty to his unhappy brethren filled Ambedkar with anger and spite.
70, Mr Purohit, a leading figure in the Hindu community, had been murdered[/hindu.html], in a brutal attack.
71, Desirelessness, or Hindu renunciation, it has been argued, leads to personal indifference and passivity and national poverty and stagnation.
72, In the distance smoke rose over the old city, where Hindu mobs were massacring Sikhs in reprisal for Indira's assassination.
73, The Hindu religion encompasses many widely differing forms of worship.
74, One cause of conflict in the plot is the presence of a Mosque on a Hindu holy site.
75, Psycho was a cross-legged Hindu figure, twenty-two inches high, which played whist with the audience.
76, Jainism, a Hindu reform church, prohibits the killing of any living creature.
77, An orthodox Hindu must not touch an untouchable or anything an untouchable touches.
78, The Rabari are not so much hypocritical in their attitudes to breaking the Hindu code of vegetarianism as low-key.
79, She was born on Diwali-the Hindu festival of light-when the goddess of wealth blesses your house.
80, Hindu and Buddhist writings describe a multitude of inner worlds.
81, Festivalgoers leave offerings for the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.
82, They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position.
83, Used as a title for the Hindu deity Krishna.
84, A Hindu holy man pauses after praying on Sunday.
85, The Hindu civilization dates back to at least 2000.
86, Hindu rule was already tottering before Muslim penetration.
87, The same old crap about Hindu - Sikh amity!
88, one of the great Hindu epics.
89, He had a fine grasp of Hindu law.
90, He came from the highest Hindu caste.