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31. When the number of ticks reaches zero for a timer, it calls the timeout handler routine to handle the corresponding timeout for that connection. 32. Timeout Length is not valid. Enter a whole number between 3 and 600. 33. proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps "1" Enables calculation of RTT in a more accurate way (see RFC 1323) than the retransmission timeout; should be enabled for performance. 34. The measured RTT is used to compute the new retransmission timeout value. 35. A gateway timeout occurred. The server is unreachable. Retry the request. 36. Between the two figures, the service timeout value is varied from 60 seconds in Figure 7 (nonaggressive) to 20 seconds in Figure 8 (aggressive). 37. Removes the publishing point after you close the encoder application or after a timeout occurs. 38. The file replication service cannot populate the system volume because of an internal timeout. 39. The idle timer starts and runs as long as no interesting traffic is seen during the idle timeout period and disconnects the call based on the idler timer configuration. 40. The Call establishment timeout should be in the range of 30000 milliseconds to 180000 milliseconds. 41. When DB2_CAPTURE_LOCKTIMEOUT is set to ON, DB2 automatically creates a report file for each lock timeout occurrence. 42. For example, to drain member 1 with a ten minute timeout, run the command db2stop member 1 quiesce 10. 43. When using runremote.sh, you might want to play with the exact value used for the timeout value, and you might even want to change the value, depending on what you are doing. 44. Internal timer of each process can have its own callback function timeout. 45. Users have full control of scanning depth, maximum file size, and scan timeout. 46. Invalid Flags" - This condition occurs when a packet arrives with a delay beyond its corresponding state timeout values." 47. Next, the reader thread needs to ensure (and this is the second check you perform) that it does not wait on the condition variable any more than the specified timeout period. 48. As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP. 49. DEADLOCK _ TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of lock in distributed env. 50. The WebSphere MQ system queue SYSTEM.BROKER.TIMEOUT.QUEUE (defined when a message broker is created) is used to store the messages currently delayed. 51. Can I get a timeout , please? A pause? One brief halftime? 52. The most important characteristics are the cache size, default timeout values for cache entries, and the sharing policy. 53. How to change the timeout seconds for GRUB menu on boot - up ? 54. Bottom line: Israel needs to try to buy its next timeout with diplomacy, which means Netanyahu has to show some initiative. 55. Incorrect timeout value received! Timeout value must be greater than zero.