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61. Britain's people: healthier, safer and better housed Liberal Democrats will invest in local services to enable communities to thrive. 62. In recent years this has been brought into sharp focus with growing public concern for a healthier and safer environment. 63. That's partly because the company is much healthier and more robust now. 64. As the New Year came and went, so did millions of resolutions to turn over a healthier leaf. 65. They've been given a better education, a longer and healthier life and higher expectations, but no future. 66. You really need to think about leading a healthier lifestyle. 67. For others, the Nutrition Facts are a lifeline for building a healthier eating style. 68. Expert groups in many Western countries have already decided to lobby for changes towards a healthier lifestyle without waiting for results. 69. Whether you're shopping, going to work or travelling for pleasure, it's a lot cheaper and much healthier! 70. We also explain how you can revolutionise your eating habits and lead a healthier lifestyle. 71. Their evidence suggests that sports participants are healthier and lead healthier lifestyles than non-participants. 72. Sue looks much healthier now and her face has started to fill out. 73. Now one has a healthier order book while the other finds its delivery times and its storage needs slashed. 74. Some can also help to strengthen thin and weak hair whilst others help hair look fuller and healthier. 75. It seemed that those who augmented inadequate incomes by poaching or stealing food raised physically healthier families than the more law-abiding. 76. But we can combat germs and bacteria and provide a healthier environment for our loved ones with the help of Dettol. 77. And now, healthier than he has been in nearly three years, he wants a chance to prove it. 78. These industries are now having to compete in the private sector and are much healthier for it. 79. No, there are plenty of healthier and more socially acceptable options. 80. Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat. 81. Workplace canteens are offering healthier foods than ever before. 82. Please castrate me, I can be healthier like this. 83. Decaffeinated coffee is healthier than regular. 84. Their labor makes our cities healthier and more livable. 85. Fidel Castro looks like he is getting healthier. 86. For starters, the global economy of the early 2000s, has been far healthier than the stagflationary 1970s. 87. In the past, Japan's policy makers have prodded healthier companies to lead the way in accepting state aid, to remove the stigma that might keep others from doing so. 88. Any piece of fresh fruit is a wiser health choice than a fruit drink that comes in a paper or plastic container, and drinking plain tea or water is a much healthier way to quench one's thirst . 89. It is a sad fact of socioeconomics that the wealthy tend to lead healthier, longer lives than do the poor. 90. For its part, McDonald's has added healthier items to its menu in recent years, like apple slices, low-fat milk.