快好知 kuaihz

1. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. 2. He was an artist, not particularly tidy, too dreamy to match her ways. 3. The music has a dreamy, elegiac quality. 4. Paul was dreamy and not very practical. 5. The windows cast a dreamy light in the room. 6. She has a dreamy romantic nature. 7. They talked to each other in gentle,dreamy voices. 8. His face assumed a sort of dreamy expression. 9. The effect was dreamy, otherworldy. 10. What's he like? I bet he's really dreamy. 11. He led a dreamy existence. 12. What a dreamy little house! 13. She gets this dreamy expression on her face when she talks about food. 14. He moved in the dreamy way of a man in a state of shock. 15. He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back. 16. The film opens with a dreamy shot of a sunset. 17. Those hazel eyes, both dreamy and world-weary. 18. The photos have a dreamy look. 19. She was becoming utterly dreamy in this land. 20. Lassitude and shame and a dreamy disgust provide the medium for these transactions. 21. In his clear, dreamy voice, words and melodies flow as one. 22. Her face goes soft and dreamy like the old days. 23. The airplane was a vast improvement over my dreamy mechanisms. 24. He loves the dreamy moment when you surface from a nap. 25. Her early work depicted a dreamy hinterland between landscape and abstraction, like the molten scenes of late Turner. 26. A gull screeched overhead breaking the dreamy silence, and Julie's eyes flicked open. 27. After a week of feeling lovelorn and dreamy he decided to contact her. 28. Some of us spend all our lives in this dreamy, inert state. 29. His mouth watered and his eyes became lost in dreamy contemplation. 30. At the thought of Penry she stretched, cat-like, her mouth curving in a dreamy smile.