快好知 kuaihz

181. We could smell the scent of a fox as we trailed paw marks through the wood. 182. It's not worth guessing the answer, as you may lose marks. 183. Grease marks or spots can be removed with liquid detergent. 184. She graduated with high enough marks to apply for university. 185. The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator. 186. Did your attacker have any distinguishing marks, such as a scar or a birthmark? 187. I was level with my friend in the examination; we got the same number of marks. 188. A few marks either way can make the difference between a pass and a fail. 189. The cabaret owns business suite, standard suite and the building 147 of a marks,11 of the size board room, the carousal hall and various 20 of, is your business meeting, travel to spend a holiday of ideal place. 190. The kitten is mainly white with black marks on her back. 191. The bush looked badly diseased, with black marks on all the leaves. 192. There were scorch marks on the kitchen worktop where a hot pan had been placed. 193. The children left dirty marks all over the kitchen floor. 194. He was about six feet tall, with no distinguishing marks. 195. The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty marks. 196. Our teacher marks strictly. 197. She still had the marks from the ropes on her body. 198. From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage. 199. A bronze plaque marks the house where the poet was born. 200. The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position. 201. There were skid marks on the road where a car had braked suddenly. 202. Students have no way of getting back at a teacher who marks their work unfairly. 203. A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened. 204. When the final marks are calculated greater weighting is given to the practical tests than to the written work. 205. There were four small puncture marks on her wrist where the cat had bitten her. 206. The discovery marks a significant technological advance. 207. The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages. 208. Accountants Marks Bloom had audited the accounts and had issued an unqualified opinion on them. 209. When a quotation is followed by an attributive phrase, the comma is placed within the quotation marks. 210. Some interviewers make a grid and award marks against each heading.