快好知 kuaihz

181 A little broom has been planted, but not much because it is a fire hazard. 182 The friends of Church Farm Museum have planted a delightful, traditional cottage garden outside. 183 Some, like the striped bass, were planted to start a commercial fishery. 184 Opposite are two beds planted with dwarf conifers and winter flowering heathers. 185 Q: We purchased a purple potato tree and planted it where it gets sun most of the day. 186 This means the aquarium will not need cleaning as often as a less densely planted one. 187 Planted in groups, the massed effect is quite stunning and rivals any massed Herbaceous border for elegance and appeal. 188 The same reports say that intelligence ministry microphones planted inside their Tehran flat picked up the sound of their brutal murder. 189 Planted in the garden and potted with cactuses, they have found a far better home their second time around. 190 That date might as well have been engraved in stone, because every time he planted earlier, he paid the price. 191 As a child, he watched a river sweep away the wheat planted on the family farm in Indiana. 192 Blums believed Osborn had planted a knife and had arranged for some one to find it and report it to police. 193 The defense contends the video is proof the socks were planted because there are no socks on the tape. 194 Daffodils like to be planted as early in the autumn as possible so get those in now. 195 Currently, transmitters are planted on whales by shooting them with crossbows from boats. 196 In Northern Ireland the loyalist ceasefire is under scrutiny after bombs were planted at sports grounds. 197 These can be bought during early spring or detached from mature specimens and planted out in March and April. 198 In September, he planted 2, 000 acres of wheat, an enterprise that cost about $ 180, 000. 199 Real plants should be planted with warmed water in the tank, to prevent their drying out. 200 Was it some psychic time bomb long ago planted on Ludlow Street? 201 Shiraz fitted the bill perfectly, but because it was widely planted it was poorly regarded. 202 Good in the hedges, too, for keeping cattle and sheep out of planted places. 203 It has been replaced with trellis which is planted with variegated euonymus, five clematis, a climbing rose and evergreen honeysuckles. 204 Q: I have planted a border of red salvia around my flower beds. 205 He planted trees, raised cattle, married, and had seven children, and seldom spoke a harsh word. 206 One of the late owners, one Mr Raines, planted about 1,000 trees and was a generous benefactor to the school. 207 Suspected rebels last week planted a bomb outside the prime minister's home, although no one was injured in the blast. 208 They're planted quite closely together to deny any weeds a chance of seeing the sunshine. 209 We've planted every kind of native tree you could think of in a hedge, including crab apple and wayfarer tree. 210 The bomb, containing 150 grams of explosives, was planted outside the house shortly before 1am.