marking造句61, The females play a dominant role, marking out for themselves a large territory on the lotus beds.
62, But she argues that, because this marking is universal, it is probably inevitable.
63, In the adjoining Garden on the Ramparts stand two obelisks marking the place where the victims of the Defenestration fell in 1618.
64, She keeps her finger marking her place in her book.
65, Few can have been surprised that the markets reacted by marking sterling down.
66, And Cross will be given the task of marking Plymouth's record signing Paul Dalton today.
67, This was partly due to the excellent marking job by his Napoli team-mate Ferrara but possibly also due to off-field distractions.
68, The ribbon cable normally has a red stripe marking line 1.
69, After a twenty-minute drive, Blanche spotted a notice marking the entrance to Malbis Castle.
70, Continue to the Bruce's Stone which commemorates the battle of 13-7 marking the turning point in Robert the Bruce's fortunes.
71, Is the practice of marking each voting counterfoil with the electors electoral role number to continue in the forthcoming election?
72, This was rejected on grounds of ease of use and familiarity with the 100 percent marking scale.
73, Five-year-olds did not show much understanding of the deductive/empirical distinction at all, even in the deductive marking experiment.
74, In both cases, we have a minor constituent of the category noun phrase without any special marking.
75, In the Odyssey the constellations already have value for sailors in fixing localities and marking the time of night.
76, Personal: An honor roll student with a 3.57 grade-point average last marking period.
77, Of course we helped to reduce road casualties by removing toads from the road for marking.
78, The main features marking the presence of a poltergeist are moving objects, electrical high jinks, or mysterious noises.
79, Investors are marking time, waiting for evidence that the market is growing.
80, This date was adopted by various countries as marking the beginning of the year.
81, With a sharp rise in the number of horse thefts in the region,[http:///marking.html] owners see marking as vital protection.
82, With Walsh under suspension, the unenviable job of marking Bull has been handed to Simon Grayson.
83, Divide the square into 49 little squares with a knife by marking six evenly-spaced lines vertically and six horizontally.
84, But were I marking his inaugural effort for its calm sobriety, I fear my assessment would be beta minus.
85, Their genes are jammed together and even overlap, with the end of one marking the start of the next.
86, Others feel that double marking is essential in order to be fair to students and external examiners.
87, Camusfearna was demolished after he left, a single memorial stone marking the site; the otters come no more.
88, Outright batsmen joined the queue, and the supposedly slow bowlers were marking out what looked like suspiciously long run-ups.
89, But then to avoid confusion we need some way of marking the participant role distinction.
90, The expansion of the middle-class was one aspect of the great increase in population marking the nineteenth century.