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181 At the same time, the corresponding black body temperatures, digital counts and the temperatures of major mirror, refractor mirror, secondary mirror and calibration mirror are detected. 182 Theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate the new algorithm decreases the value of cross coupling when used in directional sensitivity calibration. 183 The load cell sensitivity can be adjusted to requirement by this method, therefore the time of the load cell on the calibration equipment and cost are reduced. 184 CALIBRATION Internally generated signal provides a system check for repeatability of all parameters. 185 The whole circuit consists of Sample and Hold Circuit, the Multiplicative A/D Converter, the Sub-ADC, the Digital Calibration Circuit, the Clock Generator and the Time Synchronizer. 186 This kind of gyro calibration is to calculate the constant drifts of gyros using the telemetry data of the sun sensors and the rate integrating gyros through twice attitude maneuvers. 187 Is the nickel tank on an automatic controller and do controller calibration records exist? 188 Through the investigation into the calibration system of an electronic-controlled diesel Engine, the software and hardware, which must be provided for those engines, have been presented. 189 Methods The calibration of the survey meter in SSDL should be done for determination of the relation of different reading-type survey meters as well as the correct factor of it. 190 Sponsored by State Oceanic Administration, National Center of Oceanographic Standards and Metrology has successfully developed the model JBY1-1 calibration equipment used for wave buoy. 191 A new method of shipborne radar calibration based on local area GPS differential positioning system is presented and the researching of designing and implementing of calibration system has been done. 192 New for 2008, the Outlander MAX 800's calibration improves fuel consumption by 11% and its Visco-Lok features a new, quicker engagement. 193 An analysis of factors influencing the calibration accuracy is done based on the experimental process and results. 194 Besides the crosstalk and channel imbalance f of SAR system, calibration of the spaceborne Polarimetric SAR(PolSAR) also needs to consider the correction of Faraday rotation . 194try its best to gather and build good sentences. 195 ASAP standards is a set of widely - agreed calibration criterion in industry. 196 In this paper, the incorrectness of the general mechnical torque calibration equipment that is applied in the production and scientific research at moment is indicated. 197 External calibration is key method used for spaceborne SAR antenna onboard measurement. 198 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 1 : reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones. 199 The altitude angle and the azimuth angle between star and observation point are used to realize the dynamic calibration. 200 The calibration accuracy and reliability will be greatly enhanced by the combination of multi calibration technologies based on different calibration references. 201 This gain adjustment factor (calibration factor) can then be applied to every measurement. 202 In laser ranging system, the time calibration is the key factor for measuring precision. 203 The camera calibration result and optimization algorithm are used to calculate the object's world coordinate from image coordinate. 204 The key contents are composed of five parts: fundamental and algorithm theory analysis, video capture, camera calibration, image matching and software designs. 205 A novel calibration apparatus called springy board calibrator that can be used for calibrating the extensometer, tiltmeter etc. has been developed. 206 A new method for field engineering calibration high current transformer: low current extrapolation is introduced. 207 The preparation of gold standard sample for calibration used in damage free detection is introduced briefly. 208 In this paper, the thermal error calibration principle of precision machines is presented, and the accuracy index of active calibration thermal deformation is proposed. 209 As primary condition for visual measurement, camera calibration is focused on how to build the relation between image coordinates and spatial coordinates. 210 Calibration accuracy is improved using the developed calibrator and system calibrating method .