lovingly造句31. While Sarah travels, Richard slaves over a hot stove, lovingly preparing a meal.
32. Which all goes to show what can actually be achieved when an analogue master tape is lovingly transferred to compact disc.
33. Small and shrivelled, still a little sticky. Like a walnut, Jessica had once described it, lovingly.
34. Romo treats his women well: Each is finely portrayed, fully explained, lovingly rendered.
35. Pamela surveyed him from under her sunshade as he rubbed the lotion lovingly into the bad-tempered girl's back.
36. If the outcome of this sombre, lovingly detailed film is unsurprising, its emotional power is undeniable.
37. I felt like the babes in the wood concealed by leaves lovingly given.
38. The bell pull had a brass handle polished lovingly to lustre.
39. In her meticulous oils on linen, Doogan lovingly paints the crevices that time etches into human flesh.
40. The human landscape so lovingly evoked by Leigh Fermor, Lawrence Durrell and others is now a wistful memory.
41. Generations of Artificers had lovingly serviced and adorned the gun; and Yeremi had felt bitten with envy.
42. So your Higher Self lovingly sends you an emotional trauma, in the hope that this might release the blocked-up emotions.
43. An angelically photographed pregnant woman lovingly jabs a filthy needle into her arm.
44. Meanwhile the owners or their descendants champ impatiently to recover and lovingly restore what is left of the family heritage.
45. And why do they look entirely unfamiliar with the musical instruments they lovingly pluck at every night?
46. When Othello and Desdemona lovingly embrace, Iago grabs his wife in a rough, lewdly competitive clinch.
47. Sheaths were often lovingly carved and given as love tokens or dowry gifts.
48. He lovingly laundered the classic myths to make them suitable for schoolchildren no easy task.
49. She stumbles around Paris, alternately menaced and repelled by the lovingly entwined couples everywhere.
50. But, when the viewer returns from this lovingly created dream world to reality, they find it very difficult to cope.
51. It was a smartly restored pub which lovingly recreated the interior design of its psychopathic creator a hundred years ago.
52. They chattered on among themselves, oblivious to the world at large, lovingly cared for in this cozy place.
53. His is not just a lovingly maintained and highly polished old car.
54. David wrapped his arms lovingly around Meg and gave her a kiss.
55. The mother caressed her baby lovingly.
56. He was clutching the magazine lovingly with both hands.
57. He looked up lovingly into the beggar's face.
58. He is often lovingly termed a walking dictionary.
59. You lovingly reload precision crafted rounds one by one.
60. She tended her husband lovingly during his long illness.