widest造句(31) This style of lens is designed to give optimum performance at the widest aperture.
(32) The proposal that gained widest support was called the steady state theory.
(33) He made practical use of the widest possible range of phenomena.
(34) Publishers must be able to reach out to the widest possible audience.
(35) The widest possible implications must be considered when either sanctioning or preventing the application of a new biological process.
(36) After its first year it had the widest appeal of any soap opera.
(37) Spreads between corporate junk bonds and Treasury bonds have risen to their widest since the recession of 1990-91.
(38) Action will be taken to ensure that the widest possible publicity is given to seat belt legislation.
(39) It is the latter definition that is gaining the widest acceptance.
(40) With the widest fuselage cross-section in its category, the A321 offers the highest standard of passenger comfort.
(41) Government in the widest sense, including our masters in Brussels.
(42) However, open firing is subject to the widest range of problems because it is nor contained.
(43) Nottinghamshire is proud to offer its thousands of guests the highest standards and widest choice of accommodation.
(44) Rothschild's Old Court International Reserves has the widest choice of currencies and it is easy to invest.
(45) This acceptance of medical treatment in its widest sense is subject to the requirement not to accept transfusions of blood or blood derivatives.
(46) The breadth of a ship at the widest point.
(47) Photoelectric work offers the widest scope.
(48) Iguazu is the widest waterfall on the American continent.
(49) By offering the widest choice.
(50) Yunaconitine, a diterpenoid alkaloid native to Yunnan in the plants of Acordtum species, is the rich-est in content and the widest in distribution, but its toxicity is high.
(51) I shoot in RAW mode for the widest possible dynamic range.
(52) The attribute that has the widest distribution of values is considered the best candidate to be the first question asked in the next cycle.
(53) The first Kuiper Belt object was spotted in 1992; only it surely was not until the middle of the last decpublishinge thourite profitle got its widest notches.
(54) The result showed that, distribution of NS1 protein is widest in tissue of muscovy duck and goose, but less in fowl and duck.
(55) The width of Taiwan at its widest point is about 142 km.
(56) Southwest of the Los Angeles coast lies Santa Catalina Island, a 35-kilometer- (22-mile-) long island that runs roughly northwest to southeast, and spans 13 kilometers (8 miles) at its widest point.
(57) Geotechnical anchor-hold technology which marked by the use of anchor bar is one of the widest applied technology in geotechnical engineering.
(58) MYCORRHIZA is an international journal devoted to research into mycorrhizas - the widest symbioses in nature, involving plants and a range of soil fungi world - wide.
(59) With an combined web width of 108 inches (2743mm), the DJJF is the widest and most productive small roll slitter rewinder available in the world today.
(60) With beautifully cut fronds the Fern pattern has the widest range of stemware , barware and gift items in the Collection.