快好知 kuaihz

31 A holding pattern is simply a delaying procedure, like a train waiting at a signal. 32 This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill. 33 Express has been rolling along, delaying and canceling the construction of much-needed facilities. 34 It would mean delaying her own departure, when she wanted the break to be swift and clean. 35 Some southern areas managed the change to integrated schools without much difficulty; but many used every possible delaying tactic. 36 He will thus avoid buying material before it can be used by accepting a small and defined risk of delaying production. 37 But here, too, he employs the strategy of delaying clarification. 38 The Party experienced considerable problems in adjusting its policy to one of delaying retirement. 39 Another technique for delaying ejaculation is for the man to practice tensing his muscles to stop the flow while urinating. 40 Some politicians are prepared to use delaying tactics to block the bill. 41 And the firm has deep enough pockets to see a case through years of delaying tactics by the opposition. 42 The majority leadership's specialty became mounting filibusters or using other delaying tactics to prevent majority rule. 43 The regents voted unanimously to accept a compromise plan delaying the end of affirmative action until spring 1998. 44 I believe Taylor is misreading the situation yet again by delaying his comeback. 45 In particular it highlighted the necessity of delaying decisions about interpretations at the word level, due to ambiguities in labelling and segmenting. 46 Analysts say a hung parliament could hurt the economy by delaying progress on economic liberalization and reduction of the budget deficit. 47 Working women were delaying or curtailing their capacity to bear children, marrying later or perhaps being reluctant to have children at all. 48 The socialists were accused of being obstructive and delaying the decision-making process. 49 And there is no doubt that some large companies do have a deliberate policy of delaying payments well beyond the agreed credit terms. 50 The bait here is a certificate good for future travel for your cooperation in delaying your trip. 51 It will also be granted if any defence raised is shown merely to be a delaying tactic. 52 Another employee group studied problems in solid waste, where waiting time at the Energy Recovery Plant was delaying drivers every afternoon. 53 The idea of delaying announcement dates would soon hold no mirth at Bandley 3. 54 Instead of introducing immediate legislation, the Home Office responded with time-honoured delaying tactics. 55 The peace negotiations were being held up by the delaying tactics of France and Great Britain. 56 It will only cause a problem where none exists and provide an excuse for delaying payments on existing debts. 57 Ministers said today, though, there could be no question of either weakening the Maastricht conditions or delaying the euro. 58 Now, can we cut out the delaying tactics and get on with it? 59 Opposition politicians accused the government of complacency in delaying action to remove lead from petrol. 60 Effects on family life probably include contrary tendencies - accelerating or delaying decisions to start families, for example.