快好知 kuaihz

1 This affair did not prevent an entanglement with another of his co-stars. 2 The auditors try to avoid entanglement with arguments over local policy. 3 Many dolphins die each year from entanglement in fishing nets. 4 Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment. 5 Others die from entanglement in fishing nets. 6 When this involvement becomes overinvolvement and participation becomes entanglement, problems are likely to arise. 7 Mr Anderson said there was a risk of entanglement during operation and the company was required by law to provide covers. 8 Actually, the continuous variable entanglement is correlative with squeezing. 9 Now all the entanglement of the day came back. 10 Campanulaceae Codonopsis an entanglement of perennial herbs, milk white. 11 To release from an entanglement or difficulty; disengage. 12 The concurrence of the measurement of entanglement is calculated. 13 The ground state entanglement in an isotropic three-qubit transverse XY model with energy current is analyzed. 14 In a later section the 4-dimensional particles entanglement is used to improve the efficiency of the single communication. 15 And the ground-state entanglement varies suddenly at the critical point of phase transition. The entanglement between two particles is enhanced due to the energy current. 16 Iatrical entanglement has become one of the most attractive "hot point"in our society. To solve this problem properly belongs to the perfection of corresponding laws. 17 There is some uncertainty about this entanglement with the city treasurer which you say exists. 18 The dynamics of entanglement decoherence for fragile entangled states is discussed by taking into account the ohmic dissipation under the low temperature approximation. 19 The Hector's story may have a happy ending, as the establishment of entanglement. 20 Soon the blurred sketch of the view will disappear and in its place will come an entanglement of lights. 21 The increase is unexplained, although theories include a rise in the local dolphin population and entanglement with fishing nets. 22 Northridge and Pilleri list many more instances of dolphin entanglement in set-nets. 23 Furthermore, school supervision of the activities is precisely the kind of entanglement that is impermissible under constitutional precedents. 24 There is an eerie stamp of disaster about this wind-thrown entanglement in the murky half-light of night water. 25 The accumulation of obligations made it nearly impossible for the children to pry loose from the entanglement. 26 The contours of the tube are then defined by the position of the entanglement points in the network. 27 Ramsey was a former nonconformist who had not lost the idea that Churches must be free from entanglement with the State. 28 In this paper, a concise and alternative average entropy is introduced, which can be used to analyze entanglement of multipartite pure states. 29 The Higher frequency and the lower amplitude of vibration of the filament are a good ocasion for forming entanglement. 30 We all know that an ordinary twisted-pair is from four groups of mutual entanglement of the cable connected.