distasteful造句31) Better to be disgraced for distasteful habits and withholding evidence from the police than jailed for murder?
32) Most cats, however, continue to find it distasteful long after the human occupants of the rooms have forgotten about it.
33) Both the caterpillar and adult of the monarch butterfly are distasteful to their enemies.
34) First list all the working conditions that you have found or would find distasteful.
35) With so many elements that can make a job distasteful, one of the easiest to handle is bad taste in decorating.
36) Many Christians today would find such a theory totally distasteful.
37) More than seventy years later, the very mention of Uncle Haywood was still distasteful to Miss Sadie.
38) However, codes of practice may yet be introduced that curb the distasteful excesses of Rag.
39) He makes it clear that pursuing money is distasteful but having money is morally neutral.
40) He was doing press-ups, an activity which Dougal found distasteful.
41) But today he was on edge, anxious to have a distasteful duty done, careful that there should be no mistakes.
42) Jaubert had been a reasonable man to work for, had never asked her to do anything illegal or distasteful.
43) The heavily plucked eyebrows and the full mouth, thickly and glossily lipsticked, she found a little distasteful.
44) Drinking is distasteful to me.
45) Scala found the Age distasteful.
46) Disseminating indecent photographs on the internet a distasteful act.
47) It was all terribly distasteful.
48) Such surreptitious bypassing of Standlely was distasteful.
49) But the old sheds were distasteful to him.
50) Smoking is distasteful to me.
51) Don't force her into a distasteful marriage.
52) The suggestion was distasteful to Gatsby.
53) His last task was distasteful.
54) The very idea of cheating him is distasteful to me.
55) But the old sheds and bankers were distasteful to him.
56) Some of us find this distasteful - an undignified kind of life.
57) To deal with some of the more distasteful aspects of jury duty, some courts have introduced the "one-day-one-trial" system.
58) He had a cavalier attitude about her gender which Nora found distasteful.
59) Of course , it is distasteful - and inauspicious , Thais believe - to speak of King Bhumibol's death.
60) They will not win through backroom deals, intrigue, supporting the distasteful, or through low - price lower - quality products.