hernias造句31. Problems that can occur a few months to years later are hernias at the cannula sites or overwhelming infection throughout the entire body.
32. Hernias are caused by a combination of pressure and an opening or weakness in muscles lining the abdominal cavity.
33. Hernias can develop at these or other areas due to heavy strain on the abdominal wall, aging, injury, an old incision or a weakness present from birth.
34. Unlike hernias in men, which are far more common, those that afflict women are usually small and internal and rarely cause an obvious bulge.
35. The most common clinical presentation is bowel ischemia with some degree of SBO. Howeer, if hernias are easily reducible, the clinical presentation may be intermittent or transient.
36. This can bring you back from losing your life or help to avoid hernias after coughing for days and weeks.
37. Anomalies of mesenteric fixation may lead to abnormal openings through which internal hernias may occur. This is the likely mechanism of paraduodenal and supravesical hernias .
38. Another box in the garage is full of other reminders of past coughing fits and tight corsets that probably prevented hernias.
39. Uses the thighs to support the colon and prevent straining. Chronic straining on the toilet can cause hernias, diverticulosis,[http:///hernias.html] and pelvic organ prolapse.
40. Internal hernias are silent if they are easily reducible, but the majority often cause epigastric discomfort, periumbilical pain, and recurrent episodes of intestinal obstruction (3,5).
41. We conclude that for primary hernias , the open technique of tension-free repair is superior to the laparoscopic technique, both in terms of recurrence rates and in terms of safety.
42. Other sites that ventral hernias can develop are the belly button (umbilicus) or any other area of the abdominal wall.
43. Women account for only 8 percent of the hernias diagnosed, and doctors simply "don't think hernia" when women complain of pelvic pain, Dr. Metzger said in an interview.
44. A small proportion of abdominal wounds may develop into incisional hernias, leading to bowel entrapment.
45. Eight abdominal hernias ( 5 inguinal , 2 incisional and 1 umbilical ) were found during CAPD treatment ( 18.18 % ).
46. For many women with these occult, or hidden, hernias, it can take years, if ever, to get the right diagnosis and correct the problem.
47. Serious accumulation is caused by heart failure, peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernias, uremia, pericardial cysts, or hypoalbuminemia.
48. About half of patients with paraduodenal hernias have intestinal obstruction, which may be low grade, chronic, and recurrent or may be high 3–5 grade and acute.