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31. They pushed the envelop of pop music and became the biggest band of the 20 th century. 32. Easy installation , good exchanging capacity . Sealed hermetically with damp proof material ( glue envelop and laser - welded ). 33. At last, the optimum threshold was calculated by watershed algorithm according to the envelop curve and then CR image was segmented quickly by calculated threshold that presents the feature of image. 34. Traditionally made of papier-mache by mascherari, the masks are used during Carne celebrations that envelop Venice for two weeks before Ash Wednesday. 35. In chapter 5, the complex envelop simulation block diagrams of FH transmitter and receiver are presented at first. 36. Sample with the description of impregnated cork sheet put up for test under this test memo in sealed envelop containing a small piece of agglomerated cork sheet . 37. This paper performs the analysis and discussion from the aspect of the pulse envelop rising-edge, presents a kind of radar SEI method based on multi-pulse even single pulse by using rising edge. 38. All combine to form a layer of mist to envelop this region. 39. Linear predictive coding(LPC)parameters are widely used in various speech coding algorithms for representing the spectral envelop information of speech. 40. Out of the sane, silent, beauteous miracles that envelop and fuse me trees, water, grass, sunlight, and early frost the one I am looking at most today is the sky. 41. It is founded that the size of curvature difference envelop curve can detect that of pre-stress losses. 42. Which include envelop generator, low - freq oscillator, envelop control, manual control, etc. 43. The papers are falling out of the envelop, push them back. 44. The method of complex envelop modulation is employed in generating the target reflecting signal. 45. I am looking for oil envelop, IF YOU ARE FACTORY, YOU CAN CONTACT US. 46. Similar to the form of the address of the envelop, the form of the letter can also be divided into block form and indented form. 47. Before you use, you should take down the envelop in double side. Check the valve body and valve ball, if there has dirty on it , scrub away, and keep cleanlily. 48. In order to simulate narrowband reverberation time series easily, the simulation method designed based on simulating reverberation complex envelop, which is feasible for any sampling frequency. 49. They crowded the buses roamed the streets and seemed to envelop everything. 50. The largest threat Lashkar poses to Pakistan stems from the chance that another mass attack in India could envelop the country in a war with its nuclear-armed rival. 51. In very long period of time, I can not sleep well. The darkness resembled the gradually concretionary plaster envelop, sealing me inside. 52. This would result from a "nuclear winter", when huge clouds of sooty black somke from nuclear blasts would envelop the earth and rob global crops of warmth and light from the sun. 53. But, a lot of people do not understand his pay envelop truly.