快好知 kuaihz

1. This snapshot hasn't printed very well. 2. The play offers a snapshot of life in Britain under the Romans. 3. The interviews present a remarkable snapshot of Britain in these dark days of recession. 4. The book gives us a snapshot of life in the Middle Ages. 5. She showed me a snapshot of her three children. 6. One snapshot shows the figures sheltered from the sun tourist-style, by a beach umbrella. 7. After posing for this snapshot, Arsenio gave him the brush off. 8. These are entirely germane to snapshot photographs of the time, or for that matter any time. 9. It provides a fascinating snapshot of who you are and what you think about the paper. 10. It is a snapshot at one point in time and is therefore only relevant to that point in time. 11. The survey results give us a snapshot of employees' opinions of the new training program. 12. The most telling snapshot of the way the Wolves have been playing lately came a couple of minutes later. 13. Save a screen snapshot to a bitmap. 14. Snapshot administration is easy and quickly performable. 15. He had a snapshot of his girl friend. 16. Also, the enumerator view is a snapshot. 16.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 17. Each snapshot is mountable as a read-only file system. 18. Deactivated initial snapshot for anonymous publication(s). 19. Now, mount your snapshot as a read-only file system. 20. We have a snapshot of what Roberts calls the "normal experience of urbanism for the average Roman". 21. Britain is a country in crisis, and this recent snapshot of life here proves it. 22. It proposes to use data collection software to take a periodic snapshot of a client's system. 23. You can find Promotrack on a new page called StoreWatch along with Snapshot. 24. This was the conclusion of a 72-hour period that gave us the perfect snapshot of these Rockets. 25. However, as it is for any poll, the Electoral College outlook is a snapshot in time, not a prediction. 26. One of the delights of traveling is gathering such mental snapshot images of places as you journey around. 27. One man knelt on one knee behind the body while his friend moved around looking for the best angle for a snapshot. 28. In other ways, too, innovations peculiar to Impressionist painting closely approximate to the characteristics of snapshot photographs. 29. Limited specifications in automatic exposure and focusing will disappoint photography buffs, though few would detect tangible differences in the average snapshot. 30. Various approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem. This thesis proposes an incremental data detection method which is based on snapshot differential technology.