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1. Tony Woodcock has joined German amateur team SC Brueck as coach. 2. The regenerated SC can be reused. 3. SC negative impedance converters and inductance simulation circuits are designed. 4. It also helps struggle against anti - science and pseudoscience during SC. 5. In our 1969 discovery of the SC, Shapiro and I used picosecond pulses with an energy of a millijoule. 6. When SC & gt; 1 %, the conductivity decreased because the fraction of amorphous silicon in materials increased. 7. In chapter 4, training transfer strategy model for SC is established based on theories of training transfer impact elements and models. 8. Results: At 3, 7 days post-grafting, SC survived in the lesioned area, hippocampus and ventriculus lateralis. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. Abnormities of SC resulting from genetic mutation can directly induce arrest of spermatogenesis in rat model. 10. SC inductance simulation circuit is applied to Colpitts oscillator, Experiments on both inductance simulation circuit and Colpitts oscillator have bean carried out. 11. The combinable fatliquor SC, phosphate fatliquor, sulfited sperm oil EJB can increase the tensile strength of chrome leather. 12. The scale mmxh is 0.36 magnitude units higher than ML ( SC ) for southern California. 13. Switched capacitor ( SC ) unit delayed, positive negative proportions and adder were designed using two phase clocks. 14. The idiogram of SC karyotyping of Eri Silkworm by 9 nuclei is made and the meiosis stage of Eri silkworm is discussed in the present paper. 15. Objective: To investigate the toxic effect of the cadmium (Cd) on Sertoli cell (Sc) of primary culture in rat and antagonistic effect of astragalus mongholicus (A) to it. 16. In the process of SC design, an approach combining parasitic resistance pre-mutating and SC negative resistance is followed to achieve a simple filter circuit. 17. Objective:To study on action of homologues pairing during miosis and to observe the process of synaptonemal complex (SC) forming in mice spermatocytes. 18. External communicating with US, SC, sales team, WGQ, ITS aftermarket, 800, etc. 19. The XY chromosome's synaptic behavior was discussed and the different development stage of SC in pachytene was described based on its sex chromosome's synaptic character. 20. As I enter, my two eyes (both of them) are immediately pulled upon a buyable, pick-up-able copy of SC II! In stores more than a month early! 21. The controlling test was carried out to the annual and perennial broadleaved weed and shrub on forestland with 24% picloram Sc. 22. Still, tread carefully when using larger, more complex components like the SC.TableView used in the example. 23. The experiments in rats shows that sesamin can inhibit the growth of SC (skin cancer) cell. It can protect skin from UV rays. 24. This feature p aired with the ability to spread a st ate machine over sever al tr ansl ation units makes possible virtu ally unlimited sc al ability. 25. SC is different from the real component technology, but after comparing with blocking system, the performance of MPS system with SC is better, so the SC can be proved to be scientific and valuable. 26. Objective: To further explore the activity of neurotrophic proteins derived from Schwann cell serum free conditioned medium (SC SFCM). 27. KEMET is a global market leaders in capacitor industry with an excellent reputation with headquarter in Greenville SC US. 28. As for the soft nuclei like ~ ( 188 ) Hg, the contribution from shape changes, i _ ( SC ), is very important. 29. Jerry has a B.S. in Electronic Engineering Technology from California Polytechnic State University and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of London, Birkbeck College. 30. The kinetochore thin. The kinetochore was not found on each SC in our experiments and probable reason has been discussed.