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1. The cult of abstract expressionism ricocheted around the world. 2. Leftists, right-wingers, and Dadaists all attacked spiritual expressionism in 1919, focusing much of their anger on the Bauhaus. 3. Abstract expressionism is commonly identified as the pinnacle of modernism. 4. The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus. 5. Chaim Soutine s Expressionism can partly be explained by his determination to react against it. 6. Expressionism was at one time considered a degenerate form of art. 7. So Walter Benjamin support the Modernist art like Expressionism. 8. Abstract expressionism is probably the best known of all. 9. Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through non - representational - forms non - representational forms. 10. Alberto Giacometti is a painting master of Figurative Expressionism in contemporary France. His words "Painting is just a way of seeing" is representative. 11. The new - vernacular literature expressionism is the key point of paper. 12. However, Rauschenberg's act is important in establishing the necessity of acknowledging the importance of usurping the claims of abstract expressionism. 13. The titles of these essays indicate that the terms in which historians were writing about abstract expressionism had refocused art history. 14. In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism. 15. Impressionism begat post-impressionism, which begat cubism, which sired futurism, expressionism and all manner of errant abstractions. 16. O'Hara's list of friends reads like a Who's Who of abstract expressionism. 17. Indeed Bratby's and Diebenkorn's works are stylistically closer to Expressionism than to mimetic realism. 18. It conveys a good impression of the stylistic diversity of the woodcut as a medium, from Expressionism to today. 19. Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning. 20. Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy. 21. New Stories is the product of profound influence exerted by expressionism upon Lu Xuan. 22. This article also compares LuXun with Kafka through the angle of Expressionism. 23. With Pierrot lunaire as an example, the author deals with expressionism in music, its historical context, philosophical basis, ideas guiding composition and features of artistic expressions. 24. However, he is famous for helping to create a whole new art movement called Abstract Expressionism. 25. The freedom to paint such an intensely personal experience became a basic tenet of Expressionism. 26. This paper is intended to make a study of truth and absurdity of expressionism in Castle. 27. Some insist on the direct correlation with the eclectic art movements of the time, Expressionism, Fauvism, and so on. 28. Strindberg is also venerated as a progenitor of the expressionist theater, though he did explicitly theorize about expressionism as he did about naturalism. 29. Perhaps it was the first example of a form of abstract expressionism. 30. The tragic nature of Eugene O Neill splays is deeply influenced by the ancient Greek tragedy, the expressionism of Strindberg, and O Neill sown experience.