proterozoic造句31 Uranium mineral is pitchblende which was formed in Lower Proterozoic.
32 Being situatedmaster pull down the thin slice shape quartzite constituting in consisting of early Proterozoic Era tiny particles group away the middle scabbard shape of fault brining .
33 The studies of microelement, rare earth element and isotope compositions that the Huogeqi polymetallic ore field was formed in rift basin of back arc continental marging during Proterozoic Era.
34 The Middle Proterozoic granitoids was an intraplate type produced in transitional crystalline basement before plate collision.
35 The Proterozoic and Palaeozoic are two main metallogenic periods in the region.
36 The history of Earth is divided into four eons — starting with the earliest, these are the Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic,[http:///proterozoic.html] and Phanerozoic.
37 As only one kind of fossil in Proterozoic, stromatolite is an important material in the paleogeography changing study.
38 The major structure in the area is the NE-NNE folded belt consisting of Banxi Group of the Middle Proterozoic era to the Ordovician system of the Early Paleozoic era.
39 Wangjiawaizi gold deposit occurs in Lower Proterozoic opimetamorphic rock series.
40 Metamorphic basement of the jiangnan Proterozoic Paleo - island arc mainly consists of low - grade metamorphic volcanic sedimentary rocks.
41 This type of graphite deposits were formend in the Late Archaean to Early Proterozoic.
42 Ankerite microclinite, a special type of rock, is closely related to the ore-forming process of massive sulfide deposits in the East Liaoning Proterozoic rift.
43 VMS mineralization , occurred in the middle Proterozoic era, formed cupriferous source bed.
44 Within the belt , the mid-late Proterozoic (epimetamorphic) green- schists were ovethrust from south to north onto the late Paleozoic granitic batholith at a low angle.
45 Pyrites in Dianfang gold deposit of Proterozoic explosive breccia type are mainly gold - bearing minerals.