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61, Comprehensive plans existed at the Admiralty for multiplying our anti - submarine craft. 62, The growing and multiplying Tibet Nationality on snowfield of highland creates the brilliant Tibetan traditional culture. 63, Then an arithmetical mean, which came from the geometric mean of these three measures multiplying sub-band weighted coefficients, was used as final comprehensive assessment indicator. 64, The main processing is trivially simple -- just multiplying the speed and the time. 65, The military intelligence agency means multiplying the effectiveness of military forces deployed for operations. 66, This occurs because the fields are empty, so we are actually multiplying nothing by nothing (or empty set by empty set). 67, Whatever it is, breath or sensation, we learn just to observe it without losing our mental balance. We stop reacting and multiplying our misery. 68, The design value of horizontal coefficient of consolidation can be made by multiplying its standard value and design coefficient or by multiplying its mean and central design coefficient. 69, The results show that the dynamic stability analysis can be replaced by quasi-static method with the static load multiplying an amplification factor in calculation. 70, Plaque grows when bacteria attach to the tooth and begin multiplying. 71, The investment account value equals to the number of units multiplying the bid price of the units. 72, By method of illustration, we introduce envelope demodulating instead of multiplying demodulating for balance amplitude modulation wave. 73, The variational parameter multiplying each coordinate is called a scale factor. 74, Therefore our primary objective is to help fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by multiplying disciples of Christ. 75, inject is an instance of One2OneChannelInt that will be used by the controller process to send a new multiplying factor (which also serves as a wake-up signal) to the device. 76, A new method for determination of benzoyl brightener by multiplying photometry is first reported.