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91. Two novel spherical helical antennas are designed by projecting the planar equiangular spiral antenna onto the surfaces of hemisphere and partial sphere. 92. And the calculation method of effective transmissivity and the calculation formulas for coupling efficiency with spherical aberration being considered are given. 93. Our main products are spherical roller bearing , tapered roller bearing and deep groove ball bearing. 94. These are loose aggregates of a large number of primary particles of crystalline or spherical shape. 95. Accurate calculation of spherical shell plate size is very important in the process of mixed type spherical tank's design. 96. The false scattering and ray effect in spherical harmonics method, including P-1 and P-3 approximation, is studied. 97. By selecting appropriate cavity configurations, the astigmatism of optical mode in spherical mirror folded cavities can be partially eliminated and regulated. 98. A new half spherical helical antenna at the taper mode is presented first time. It has smaller volume and provides good shaped pattern which is suitable for LEO satellite communication. 99. In this article, respectively derive the four-part formulae from geometry, algebra and vector viewpoints and then use it to directly infer formulae of Napier's rule 2 of special spherical triangle. 100. In view of the spherical surface numerical control milling question, the paper has analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of automatic programming and the manual programming by contrast. 101. This paper proposes a novel method to obtain a simple analytical solution to extrapolation problem for band-limited signals, which is much easier than prolate spherical wave function expansion method. 102. A method for grinding internal gear using spherical worm emery wheel is presented. 103. Objective To investigate the effect of implantation of spherical allogeneic biological material implant after eyeball enucleation. 104. This study confirms an inverse association between ACD and age, female gender, and spherical refractive error. Eyes with shallower ACDs had narrower angles. 105. The primary silicon in the composite can nucleate on the surface of the fiber and grow into spherical shapes. 106. The phenomenon of granitic spherical weathering is frequently encountered in railway engineering which traverses granite areas. 107. The fluence distribution must be known for absolute gamma ray measurements in spherical radiation fields. 108. The second arises from the spherical aberration present in the objective lens. 109. C412S in normal PMC meiosis, however, showed a peak pollen abortion at later mononucleate stage of microsporogenesis , which mostly belonged to spherical abortion type. 110. So, it's much better to set up these integrals in spherical coordinates. 111. Two kinds of models are considered, spherical wave and plane wave, and the diameter of the receiving aperture is supposed as the first Fresnel zone length. 112. By means of the direct decomposition of spherical harmonic function, the spectrum and the dimension of all the eigen-spaces are obtained. 113. The radiation fields and the design of coaxial biconical antenna are obtained with the field of equivalent Huggens source on the spherical surface aperture. 114. Well, spherical coordinates become appealing because the function you are averaging is just rho while in other coordinate systems it's a more complicated function. 115. From the Helmholtz equation, the optical field analytical expression of an ultrashort pulse propagating through a small aperture lens was acquired with chromatic and spherical aberration. 116. That is, all factors favorite in both forming spherical nuclei and growing in all directions in the iron melt can be regarded as factors promoting graphite spheroidization. 117. The four-part formula gives the relation between two angles and the two sides adjacent to them around the spherical triangle. 118. In view of the difficulty in processing inside spherical zone, the method of processing forming cutters is introduced and the cutter designing and the process planning are also explained. 119. Sometimes, you will be able to request data in the Spherical Mercator projection, and the data provider will project it for you — but don't rely on this. 120. And, of course, you will actually do that in spherical coordinates because it is easier that way.