快好知 kuaihz

31. If any discipline is rightfully the child of the second industrial revolution and the changes it wrought in the nature of work, that discipline is industrial engineering. 32. Killing a police officer is something that's taken very seriously and rightfully so. 33. The islands are rightfully proud of their location on the equator. 34. Of course, production-sharing deals give the oil company a share of the price appreciation of oil that many oil-owning nations think rightfully belongs to them. 35. There was, of course, jubilation in the Ferrari camp and rightfully so. 36. Religious masters require self-education and self-training for their entire lives so as to walk their path of enlightenment steadfastly , and to propagate Buddhadharma rightfully. 37. We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs. 38. He can not rightfully be condemned without reference to some definite law. 39. His presence has done much to calm relations, especially as the equally- mercantile British have designs on world trade that should rightfully be Dutch!