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traffic light造句
31. Output of traffic light signal was respectively sent to 40 pieces of solid-state relay via programmable logic device. 32. This program is designed with VHDL, the traffic light controlled T - junction circuit. 33. When cars run to the crossroad, controlled by the traffic light, which engenders waiting time. 34. Traffic light phasing is not particularly good and I suspect that, in some cases, that leads to greater danger. 35. Drive back to the traffic light and then turn right. 36. In this paper we present a multi-phase traffic light control strategy based on the length of the waiting queue according to fuzzy control theory. 37. A red traffic light means stop and a light means go. 38. Walk two blocks, and turn left when you see the traffic light. 39. The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop. 40. Assuming the coming traffic flow to be stationary, a model of nonlinear programming is proposed to decide the arrangement of traffic light time of a single intersection. 41. Yet all possible three-party combinations have been ruled out by one of their prospective members: the Greens reject Jamaica and the FDP says no to the traffic light. 42. Do not cross the street when the traffic light is red. 43. Jack made a jack - rabbIt'start when the traffic light turned green. 44. We may have made a wrong turn at the last traffic light. 45. They have considered using additional automatic traffic light to control the traffic flow during peak hours. 46. The car stand at the traffic light for a few moment, then move off. 47. Go on walking and turn right at the first traffic light. 48. An added bonus would be if the system has a facility for "Traffic Light Speed Cameras" or "Red Light Traffic Infringement". 49. In the Status field, the yellow traffic light informs you that the message has not yet been output.