philosopher造句31. There is nothing so strange and so unbelievable that it has not been said by one philosopher or another.Rene Descartes
32. But remember the opinion of John Stuart Mill, a political philosopher much respected by the early Economist.
33. The philosopher, by contrast, has the right to go far beyond such language.
34. America is a great philosopher that preaches and practices social pluralism and ethnic or racial equality – in the midst of cultural prejudice and social discrimination.Dr T.P.Chia
35. They are, in fact, just the kind of thing the natural philosopher might be interested in.
36. The philosopher, who had told me earlier he was a back-sliding Episcopalian, glanced at me apprehensively.
37. The quotation is attributed to Chu Hsi, an ancient Chinese philosopher.
38. A hairless philosopher who lives in the wilderness, meditates and kills people.
39. One is podgy loser Philippe, a cultural philosopher who for years has been failing to get his doctorate accepted.
40. Galileo was no sailor, but he knew of the longitude problem-as did every natural philosopher of his day.
41. The head of a philosopher on the loins of a tomcat.
42. His bulky life of Russell is a sustained attack, in which he lays two charges against the philosopher.
43. As the philosopher van Fraassen asks, what has explanatory power got to do with truth?
44. He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher... or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.Douglas Adams
45. The same challenge for the philosopher as for the politician, the ironmonger, and the songwriter: Sell or die.
46. Nietzsche is hardly read now as a serious philosopher and his influence on writers and artists was always greater than on philosophers.
47. No philosopher has done more to disown the idea that his writings embody some kind of masterly or authoritative wisdom.
48. Among the elite who rose out of its membership was the exceedingly influential and famous philosopher Aristotle.
49. The older philosopher offers the young Nietzsche a lifeline between his scholarly avocation and the world outside.
50. Not to care for philosophy is to be a true philosopher.Blaise Pascal
51. Coupled with his close association with medicine, it explains why he decided to follow the career of scientist and natural philosopher.
52. Rudi had been, at various times, a coffeehouse poet and an amateur philosopher, but nothing really came of it.
53. A similar point was made by the seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke, who saw it as an insoluble mystery.
54. I can do this best by way of a personal anecdote, which might be called the Incident of the Taxman and the Philosopher.
55. Peter Drucker is probably the most prominent philosopher of business management in the world today.
56. The philosopher Scott Buchanan once observed in conversation that science resembles theater.
57. No Hellenistic poet or philosopher quoted it[http://], although modern scholars have sometimes deluded themselves on this subject.
58. Then along came Immanuel Kant, very famous philosopher.
59. British mathematician, logician , philosopher, founder of process philosophy.
60. French metaphysician, theologian and philosopher of action. Action(1893).