economic growth造句(121) Rapid economic growth, he said, would ensure the fulfilment of the aspirations of all races.
(122) Thus, the successful model of economic growth has been accompanied by a long period of non-democratic rule.
(123) Light industries and textiles led on to the establishment of some heavy industries. Statistics showed impressive economic growth.
(124) After all, a 30 percent correction in October 1987 had almost no impact on real economic growth.
(125) Economic growth is slowing, but should still be a respectable 5 percent this year.
(126) But Clinton insists that new technologies will improve energy efficiency, enabling developing countries to continue economic growth without increasing emissions.
(127) Deliberate assistance to economic growth went hand in hand with administrative reform aimed at channelling its profits firmly into princely treasuries.
(128) A study of nine cities over 1965-83 found no significant relationship between economic growth and the arrival of new teams or stadiums.
(129) Significant economic growth and social change has been brought about as a result of the offshore oil and gas industry.
(130) Figure 7-4 shows the combined real economic growth rate of these countries.
(131) Essentially this was based on optimistic views about social progress and economic growth.
(132) Steady and sustained economic growth will generate jobs that last.
(133) On the other hand, 32 percent felt that economic growth should be given priority even if the environment suffered to some extent.
(134) To supplement traditional budgetary methods, medium-term financial planning based on estimates of economic growth was advocated.
(135) There is no way to reduce the deficit more efficiently and more painlessly than with a higher rate of economic growth.
(136) After 25 years of economic growth it is anxious to show improvements in social well-being.
(137) Adam Smith made the most explicit statements in support of the idea that education improves the quality of labour and hence raises economic growth.
(138) An even higher economic growth rate is not out of the question.
(139) This has usually meant giving precedence to private sector economic growth rather than other priorities such as social welfare.
(140) The major, Western industrial nations are today using 17% less energy per unit of economic growth than they were in 1973.
(141) From now on, the U.S. government will rely on a new method to measure economic growth.
(142) Its yield, a gauge of economic growth and inflation expectations, fell 8 basis points to 6. 07 percent.
(143) The conditions for renewed economic growth this year have improved, said Economics Minister Guenter Rexrodt today.
(144) A lightly-taxed economy generates more economic growth, and more revenue.
(145) The government has forecast economic growth of 2. 5 percent for the year starting in April.
(146) But numbers on economic growth that look so wonderful for the emerging world tell only half the story.
(147) What will be of the greatest use in our attempts to improve economic growth and output?
(148) The Energy Department also sees a slowdown in economic growth after 2010, when baby boomers will start retiring.
(149) It directly affects our exchange rate and interest rates and, indirectly, jobs, trade, investment and economic growth.
(150) Further energy efficiency improvements are vital to the achievement of acceptable levels of economic growth throughout the industrialised world.