measuring造句121 Most subsequent studies have shown the difficulty of measuring the price response of demand.
122 It won't be very accurate in practice, because of difficulty in measuring the distances accurately, but at least it's right.
123 Taking age into account and the lack of accuracy possible when measuring miles per gallon, 15 is not a bad score!
124 It sees a tiny patch of the visual field measuring a few degrees of visual angle across.
125 Tomorrow is the final weigh-in and measuring session for this 28-day period.
126 These examinations are probably a poor instrument for measuring the quality of medical education because they concentrate on factual retention.
127 Inpart this reflects the genuine difficulty in measuring marginal benefits.
128 He flipped and stirred, measuring lumps of rice on to plates which he then smothered with a brownish stroganoff.
129 The reliability of the method was also investigated by measuring the level of agreement between observers using the K-statistic.
130 She sat up, measuring the distance from the bed to her discarded robe lying on the soft carpet.
131 In the light of these difficulties with measuring job satisfaction, academic researchers have made two responses.
132 In Washington Square a camera crew were measuring the width of the arch and being important.
133 Combine remaining 1 / 2 cup buttermilk and vanilla in another bowl or measuring cup.
134 A means of measuring the differing costs inherent in different subjects, such as classroom-based and workshop-based subjects. 4.
135 The main problem with this demand for money function is that of finding a method of measuring total wealth.
136 Participants fight with poles measuring around six feet in length.
137 The process of describing and measuring variables is in fact a process of defining terms and concepts.
138 The subjective nature of measuring program effectiveness may lead to irreconcilable differences between the review staff and program management.
139 Up to 100 million can occur per litre of sea water, as a result of blooms measuring several hundred miles across.
140 You will need a measuring jug, shampoo and towels on hand.
141 Measuring the quality of the hospital service is obviously difficult, especially given the diversity of different forms of treatment.
142 In 1993/94 we shall be looking for more specific ways of measuring the performance of the Society towards its members.
143 He squeezed by Emma, who was measuring out the Maxweii House, and took the frame into the bathroom.
144 Put the soil into a sack measuring 50 centimetres across.
145 If the target time is protracted the operative may have difficulty in pacing and measuring output, and lose enthusiasm.
146 If it is to have any practical value a recording system must be concerned with measuring observable behaviour.
147 Many of the rides in Monks Wood are wide, measuring up to sixty feet across.
148 We do not expect doctors to run an intensive care unit simply by measuring the pulse rates of their patients.
149 Second, measuring concepts from political science is difficult and can affect the validity of the measures.
150 Our proposals are: A better method of measuring economic progress.