快好知 kuaihz

151. Douglas made notable advances in archaeological method fully appreciating the value of dating by association within and between grave groups. 152. It holds a vast collection of manuscripts dating from 1965 onwards. 153. This makes these techniques difficult to use as reliable absolute dating methods. 154. Two major collections -- periodicals and scientific journals dating to the 1800s -- were inundated. 155. Dating Discovering exactly when an undated rug was made is almost impossible. 156. Historical notes profile lady cigar smokers dating back to the 1600s. 157. Precision dating of mineral deposits Many mineral deposits are the result of large-scale circulation of hydrothermal fluid in the upper crust. 158. Three interesting features inside are the box pews, the semi-circular altar rail, and the stone lectern dating from Norman times. 159. For direct archaeological applications, radiocarbon dating and tree-ring work are in general much more useful. 160. And in his later work the careful dating supplied by Picasso himself eliminates any chronological problem. 161. It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra. 162. Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon is the single most useful method of dating for the archaeologist. 163. In fact, optically stimulated luminescence tests and carbon 14 dating have proven their great age: they are almost certainly Neolithic. 164. Much of the current fleet is based on designs dating from the 1950s, which are still in production. 165. The most well-known application of radiocarbon must be the dating of the Shroud of Turin. 166. Radiometric dating has nearly reached the stage when we can make reasonable estimates at the stage, if not the zone level. 167. He is the 131st pontiff in a line dating back to the fourth century. 168. Public expenditure control has a long history dating back to the early eighteenth century. 169. Although dating and attributing coins to mints require different methods, the preliminary step is the same in both cases. 170. The sample preparation procedures are the same as those used for radiocarbon dating, care being taken to avoid contamination. 171. Some said that dating should begin with the moment when the Prophet first received the revelation. 172. Prehistoric studies experienced a shift of emphasis in the 1960s as a result of scientific methods of dating being introduced into archaeology. 173. In all but a few our taxonomic knowledge is based on expedition reports dating back often more than 50 years. 174. This phenomenon has been utilized for dating sedimentary deposits of quartz grains. 175. Most of the housing consists of squat, square and entirely functional brick buildings dating from the mid-1930s. 176. I have a collection of glasses intended for the most celebrated of all drinks dating back to the 1930s. 177. One traveller, Lisa Miller, is due to appear in court on charges of criminal trespass dating back several months. 178. It has records of the older companies and boards, plus plans and letter books dating from the eighteenth century and onwards. 179. To the left of the doorway is the first postbox in Milan, dating back to the Napoleonic era. 180. Some of his compositions are based on songs dating back to the mid-fifteenth century.