humans造句211. There are conflicting reports as to whether negative feedback inhibition exists in humans and whether it is mediated by cholecystokinin.
212. Their finding could lead to new treatments for muscle wasting in humans, or ways to conserve muscle tissue during space flight.
213. The hands remain outside the bodies, giving a sense that humans may not penetrate something so awesome as a spirit animal.
214. Human waste fed to cattle could perpetuate these parasites, some of which are picked up by humans from poorly cooked beef.
215. Scientists foresee humans living on Mars within the next 200 years.
216. Many of us carry full donor cards in favour of our surviving fellow humans.
217. Despite its limitations, the breath H 2 test is the only acceptable non-invasive method to estimate complex carbohydrate malabsorption in humans.
218. Because she was used to humans our film crew was able to cut her free.
219. However, when these words occur within a meaningful context, they can easily be read and understood by humans.
220. Even more probable than the extinction of humanity is a catastrophe that destroys our culture while leaving some humans still alive.
221. Culture and symbolic language, once developed through evolution, allow humans to race ahead.
222. Children do not make the same rigid distinction between humans and animals that adults learn to make.
223. I think it is reasonable to assume that the arrow for computers is the same as that for humans.
224. Indeed, the idea that humans are curiously evolved cousins of the animals seems basic to primitive myth in general.
225. Roman Catholics, however, emphasizing the role of free will, believe that humans can cooperate in their salvation through actions.
226. His actions had triggered full-scale rebellion by the hybrids and by the vaster Stealer brood of true-seeming humans.
227. For each cognitive skill which humans possess, they must also possess its opposite.
228. All exotic animals, other than humans of course, are banned from this last wilderness by international agreement.
229. Several humans with official-looking trousers and big boots were standing at the bottom of the ramp.
230. However, end-stage renal failure caused by chronic hypokalemia is extremely rare in humans.
231. The materials do include assertions about the constitution of humans and do make a distinction between body and soul.
232. Psycholinguists have analysed how humans combine information and a number of models have resulted.
233. Even man understands his fellow humans better than the language of the animals and other creatures.
234. The sheer implausibility of the emergence of humans from primordial slime in just three billion years is clearly too much for many.
235. Experimental phosphate deficiency in humans may induce renal magnesium loss.
236. Rufus did not even know if animal bones shared the same names as those of humans.
237. There is evidence that they damage the immune system and cause cancer in animals; the effects on humans are disputed.
238. Humans have a special affinity for dolphins, which are widely perceived as having a special degree of intelligence.
239. This only brought a plague of crickets to the already upset humans of Bryan.
240. Mackowiak says the causes, benefits and dangers of fever in humans are hotly debated among researchers.