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1 Fractured tibia about five inches below the patella. 2 She broke her patella in an accident. 3 To explore the therapy to old patella fracture. 4 Which kinds does cancer have? Do have patella cancer? 5 The patella is triangular with its apes directed downward. 6 Coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus,[www.] and tarsus. 7 The medial and lateral patella retinacula are unremarkable. 8 For a congruent patellofemoral articulation, the patella must track centrally in the trochlear groove. 9 Results:Patella medial synovial plica shows variety in position, form and texture, so its pathogenetic characteristic is different too. 10 This paper presents the preliminary investigation on chondromalacia patella at our department in recent years. 11 By way of example, patella drill guide instruments are regularly used in orthopaedic procedures. 12 Objective Patella is the biggest sesamoid bone inside the human body, locating the inside of quadriceps tendon. It is an important module in the knee extension system. 13 At 12-15 months after surgery, patella holder was taken out and no lost of reduction or refracture occurred. 14 Trabecular metal patella in total knee arthroplasty with patella bone deficiency. 15 Common injuries in basketball include patella chondropathy, "basketball knee", ankle joint injury, waist muscle injury, lower waist pain, heel tendon peripheral inflammation and fatigue fracture etc. 16 Methods 12 cases of traumatic patella metachoresis were analyzed in clinical symptom and soft tissue operation and its curative results. 17 Suprapatellar bursa reconstruction and patella retinacula plastic operation is a good method to treat the post-traumatic knee ankylosis. 18 He had tripped on a gas-lid in the road and fractured his patella so his wife was busy bandaging him up. 19 To measure the tensile strength of the medial patellofemoral ligament(MPFL), and to evaluate the biomechanics of different fixation methods of the hamstring tendon graft on the patella. 20 Moreover, 6 patients su ered from redislocation, and 23 patients experienced patella instability. 21 In the presence of this sign, the physician should proceed with a more aggressive physical therapy program and further assess patella malalignment. 22 The decreased extent of amplitude of femoral nerve maximal electrical twitch and quantitative patella tendon reflex were compared. 23 Results The common physical signs were tenderness in knee, positive grinding test of patella, McMurray sign, fricative, muscular atrophy of quadriceps femoris, and stretch or flexion limitation. 24 The subjects of femoral trochlear dysplasia and medial subluxation of the patella are briefly discussed. 25 Patella instability is a kind of common patellofemora disease, it refers to the degree of patella extraversion or moving outward increases when the knee-joint extend and flex. 26 To observe the cure effect of needle-knife together with oral taking traditional Chinese drug(TCD)and functional exercise on patella malacia. 27 Such soft tissue balancing, albeit minor in most cases, does seem important particularly in the early phases of flexion in terms of allowing the patella to engage well upon the prosthetic trochlea. 28 To compare the treatment effect between open reduction and close reduction under the arthroscopy using tensive band wire in the treatment of patella fracture. 29 Objective : To observe the x - ray changes and make clinical grading of patella alta in adults. 30 Conclusion: Normal biomechanical characters of femorotibial joint rebuilt with patella can be preserved.