快好知 kuaihz

1. Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her. 2. They use opium as a sedative, rather than as a narcotic. 3. Opium is classed under the head of narcotic. 4. That man gave her a dose of opium. 5. After the Opium War of 1840, China was gradually reduced to a semicolonial and semi - feudal society. 6. He was forced to take opium to kill the pain. 7. The refinement of raw opium yields other drugs, such as morphine. 8. Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War. 9. The use of opium was not criminalized until fairly recently. 10. But what kind of person would want opium? 11. The architect must have been an opium fiend. 12. Where were the calomel pills and opium and brandy? 13. Lapsang Souchong was opium, bohemia, late nights and Gauloises. 14. She was certainly not an opium smoker. 15. Love is the emotional opium of the mind, and the bread and butter of the heart and soul, people can hardly live without love.Dr T.P.Chia 16. Alcohol thus resembles opium and its derivatives morphine and heroin, all of which target the endorphin system. 17. She was given a high potency of opium which appeared to be the indicated remedy for this numb state. 18. The pressure intensified and opium sales were at a standstill by 1838 when Lin Tse-hsu was appointed imperial commissioner in Canton. 19. And morphine from opium is illegally converted to the highly addictive drug. heroin, widely abused in Western societies. 20. Many people throughout the world eat or smoke opium, the air-dried latex of the plant. 21. Although the pharmacological properties of opium had not changed, opinions about opium had changed. 22. He abolished onerous taxes and puritanically banned prostitution, opium, gambling, even liquor. 23. Compared to the large opium fields nearby, the bikes were harmless. 24. And opium and opiate derivatives just came along with it, y'know. 25. I haven't found out yet what they got up to in their opium den with Coleridge and de Quincey. 26. He pried off his shoes; loosened his collar; slumped in his seat like an opium smoker. 27. The farmers, in Buner, an area controlled by the government, were charged with the crime of growing opium. 28. Their visits were threatening and long, and eventually the agency gave up hope of substituting mulberry trees for opium. 29. But his most lucrative innovation was the creation of official monopolies to produce and market alcohol, salt and opium. 30. The western flank of this high frontier is the Golden Triangle, legendary for its opium crop and warlord law.