clang造句 31, She thrills at the shrill clang of the ambulance bell. 32, She thrilled at the shrill clang of the ambulance bell. 33, On MSN this clang clangs strong enunciative, spoke the aspirations of countless netizens. 34, With a puff, a clang, and a clatter of rails it was gone. 35, This past April the ISS crew reported hearing a similar clang.英文造句production systemeffective languageinternational communicationperborategalbraithunpolished ricegroup of 77wiper bladeblack paintinternational bankingperceptivitypachaterminal emulationcotton threadraising fundmilitary academyburglarproofmedical systempresentation of informationtouch controlBrixlimed juicewindhoekinterpolatingstop timeriproaringloss of rightsoptimization problemangle of inclination