priestley造句1 Thornaby skipper Mike Priestley will be hoping he can repeat that feat for him a few times this season.
2 Green is pursuing a musical career and Priestley has turned producer-director.
3 That it came to this shows how involved Priestley was in the religious disputes and politics of his day.
4 Priestley received £3,000 and is now eyeing the £30,000 first prize at the Embassy World Championship.
5 A remarkable letter from Warltire to Priestley, dated 3 January 1777, indicates his acute powers of observation.
6 Within the civil service the Priestley pay bargaining system was abolished which linked civil service pay to rates in the private sector.
7 Jason Priestley is from Vacouver, Canada.
8 Mr Priestley will set the examination paper.
9 Priestley has been called the father of modern chemistry.
10 But , he adds, Priestley is more interested in Johnson living than in Johnson died.
11 J . B . Priestley ( 1894 -- 1984 ), British novelist, playwright, and essayist.
12 As a matter of fact, Priestley defended the phlogiston theory right up to his death.
13 Mr. and Mrs. Priestley are fond of music, and Mrs. priestley plays the piano beautifully.
14 It was really quite shocking Priestley said, describing his reaction when he first saw his injuries.
15 Priestley, M. B , Spectral Analysis and Time Series, Academic Press, New York, 1981.
16 This week marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Priestley.
17 For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley.
18 The Indy Racing League said that apart from a close head injury and fractures to the feet, Jason Priestley also suffers a fracture to the spine, and the hospital is trying to save him at full steam .
19 Helmont, it was first studied in 1772 by Joseph Priestley, who called it "nitrous air."