disapproving造句1. Janet gave him a disapproving look.
2. Her father threw a disapproving glance at her.
3. She sounded disapproving as we discussed my plans.
4. A disapproving frown settled on her face.
5. Mother gave me a disapproving look.
6. His disapproving attitude toward cars is simply sour grapes; the fact is that he would like to have a car but can't afford to buy one.
7. Her disapproving parents refused to attend her wedding.
8. He wagged a disapproving finger.
9. Mrs. Newman shook her head with a disapproving cluck.
10. Mrs Saulitis threw them a disapproving glance.
10.try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. Above it hung a picture of a disapproving man who I presumed was Sefton Hamilton's grandfather.
12. I was getting disapproving looks from the people around me.
13. The disapproving proscriptions of puritanism could not have squeezed all impropriety from the area.
14. Would you have put on your disapproving hat and talked about tangled webs and reaping what you sow?
15. Suddenly, behind the disapproving odor, way way back behind it, she smelled another thing.
16. John gave me a disapproving look when I suggested another drink.
17. The application had been subject to long and disapproving scrutiny at Coutts.
18. Disapproving as he was, he still seems to have found vicarious excitement in talking weapons.
19. What we like most is the way it never fails to create a disapproving glint in mother's eyes.
20. Women policed each other, stopping rebellious acts with cold and disapproving stares.
21. She'd left the smashed car outside and staggered inside, drawing disapproving glances from the other guests.
22. Franco gave them a look which might have been faintly disapproving.
23. Emma was accustomed to these tribulations of child-rearing, but never had she seen her husband Rupert so short-tempered and disapproving.
24. So I fretted and sweated as they stalked in and stared around with that disapproving, accusatory look of all cops everywhere.
25. And then Georg had closed in on her, a grumpier, more disapproving, hectoring Georg.
26. What could work better with a free spirit than a stuffy, disapproving straight man?
27. Her job, she says, is too much fun to be stalled by a disapproving glance or two.
28. The announcement of a further pay increase for politicians provoked disapproving comments from the leader of the opposition party.
29. The cook stood there like a shrivelled bootlace, tight-lipped, implacable, disapproving.
30. To this third set of pictures he added appropriate disapproving comments and cut them into the action.