day-to-day造句31. This operation has little effect on day-to-day behaviour, although it is not completely without consequences.
32. Failures, mergers, acquisitions, and diversification are the day-to-day diet of firms involved with the industry.
33. What consequences follow from these two main changes for day-to-day work in residential homes?
34. Closer supervision of the day-to-day running was still their aim.
35. Second, he or she will have a large amount of day-to-day administration to oversee.
36. Half way through, the film loses its grip on the day-to-day reality in Northern Ireland.
37. First, though MI5 is notionally under the control of the Home Secretary he will be told nothing about its day-to-day operations.
38. While with the Chargers for the past two years, McNeely oversaw the day-to-day business operations.
39. All schools will be free to manage their day-to-day budgets, with local education authorities given a new strategic role.
40. However the immediate task of most advice workers is to help the clients in the interview room cope with day-to-day pressing problems.
41. The operations level will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organisation.
42. Also the day-to-day work of schools and the task of assessing pupils assumed a higher importance than the development of new curriculum.
43. Disturbance to the day-to-day activities therefore had to be kept to a minimum.
44. Briefly, this involves recasting the company into a number of operating divisions which take day-to-day decisions concerning particular product ranges.
45. Neither does the State Planning Commission, the vast organisation responsible for the day-to-day management of the economy.
46. Day-to-day television, in its regularity and its availability, seems regulated by repetition and modulated by acceptable difference.
47. Photography for general news stories News of the day-to-day happenings within the organisation can be communicated with much more interest by photography.
48. Indeed, I am most likely to have relationships on a day-to-day basis only with a relatively small number of people.
49. It also recognises that day-to-day business and executive authority is vested in line management.
50. The House Committee continued to exercise its jurisdiction over a wide variety of day-to-day matters at the institution.
51. At other times it was treated as a day-to-day activity, associated only with mundane needs.
52. However, the priorities of government manifested on a day-to-day basis frequently ignored the longer-term priorities nominally established in the plans.
53. In that event the Strategic Rail Authority would run day-to-day operations while buyers were sought.
54. Their busy day-to-day activities at the Commando Training Centre would not allow them time to get to know the locals.
55. Keeping up with the day-to-day pressure of everyday life leaves little time to devote to ourselves.
56. They will also switch spending from their day-to-day Budgets to rail, road, communications and other prestige projects.
57. Businesses usually use lines of credit to pay for day-to-day costs, rather than new projects.
58. This looks after the day-to-day running of the Campaign, leaving the executive to consider major policy initiatives.
59. Now we aim to increase further the day-to-day independence of schools and colleges within a democratically accountable framework of local education authorities.
60. No need to weigh these fruits; day-to-day variations will tend to balance out the calorie and fibre content.