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1. The slaves were kept in bondage until their death. 2. He was delivered from bondage. 3. All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain and lust. 4. Bondage, beating[.com], whipping and spanking. 5. Sudhu Ram was freed from bondage in 1988. 6. But you'd get slung out of a bondage club for tying ropes that slack. 7. Am I in bondage, that you think to parcel me off as you see fit? 8. Financial bondage is caused by a lack of contentment and poor stewardship. 9. No misunderstanding causes more anxiety and brings such bondage to sensitive people in doubt. 10. Psychologically it is costly because we are in bondage to the person we will not forgive. 11. This was the bondage that Langford was free of, having gone over to stills work: he traveled very light. 12. The tokens were not of bondage, no one was trying to trap me, to possess me, to take me over. 13. Mother, it is no gain, thy bondage of finery. 14. From complacency to apathy, from apathy back to bondage. 15. They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief. 16. Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage. 17. Since the age of 13 he had been in bondage. 18. Because slaves can have their interests counted equitably and still remain in bondage. 19. Like some fantastic prison, where you could drink so deeply and so long that you forgot your bondage. 20. But we ask far more of you before your bondage is at an end. 21. Free labour merges imperceptibly with slavery; work becomes servitude; livelihood is transformed into strange new forms of bondage. 22. Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage.Joyce Meyer 23. We know that many among ourselves have given themselves to bondage that they might ransom others. 24. To the extent that his religious function included freeing his people from bondage, his spiritual role was also political. 25. Later generations were frequently reminded that they were once members of a slave community whom the Lord had mercifully redeemed from bondage. 26. The adoption of the Constitution resulted from a compromise that overlooked the problem of human bondage. 27. I realized she could only get out of this bondage if she could borrow a small amount of money. 28. How typical of Graham, mused Celestine, I bet half the class is thinking of bondage. 29. Like his father he recognized the evil in human bondage. 30. By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage.