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31. The awning flip - flopped in the gusty wind. 32. My girlfriend has a blue awning on her house. 33. The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk. 34. In one corner there was a red, blue and white striped awning. 35. On the boat, two couples seated face to face under the pale blue awning with flouncing. 36. An overnight in Iquique, a city with a vast awning of sand hanging above it from the bluffs, then inland, up over the coastal ranges and into the start of the Atacama Desert. 37. One evening, we sat talking very friendly together under an awning. 38. R: You can park your bicycle under the awning in the back lot. 39. The place where they sit is shade from the sun by green awning. 40. That evening, the awning fixed over the front cabin , he fiddled while Wuduo and Seven sang. 41. Objective Discuss quantum information correspondence effect in enhances in the greenhouse big awning the nectarine selenium content effect. 42. The front wall of the awning can also be completely folded back. 43. My mind's eye, peeping window, backs off , fluttering under the awning. 44. This rock sticks out; The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk. 45. One Sunday afternoon some time after this they were sailing the summer seas in their dream yacht , and reclining in lazy luxury under the awning of the after-deck. 46. A pleasure - boat with striped awning was going by. 47. He moved out from beneath an awning, reaching for something inside the breast of his overcoat. 48. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal - Mart. 49. To cover ( a vehicle ) with a canopy or an awning. 50. Feature: European groove , outside - swing, hinges, casement, awning and fixed windows. 51. Several people herded under an awning to get out the shower.