快好知 kuaihz

(1) Darn! I forgot my keys! (2) Please darn the hole in my sock. (3) He'd earn a darn sight more money there. (4) Darn it! She beat me again! (5) She's done a darn sight better than I have. (6) I must darn the hole in my pocket. (7) That darn cat has eaten my supper! (8) The darn fool got lost on the way. (9) Darn it! There goes my bus! (10) Darn it! I'll have to do it all myself! (11) You had a darn good try. (12) What a darn stupid thing to say! (13) Darn it! I've lost my keys! (14) Her jumper had a darn at the bottom. (15) There's not a darn thing he can do about it. (16) It's darn cold tonight. (17) Darn those blasted kids! (18) I know how to darn, and how to sew a button on. (19) Why don't you switch the darn thing off and listen to me! (20) Gosh darn it, I expected it to be done. (21) If it could darn socks, I'd marry it. (22) Then leave the darn thing alone. (23) I don't give a darn if the results don't coincide with the editorial board's political biases! (24) Or the whole darn lot of them in one ghastly premeditated assault? (25) Getting off the bus while it was moving was a darn stupid thing to do. (26) Sore eyes I may have, but at least I am not blind and can still darn my own stockings. (27) We really are blessed in California; we have it pretty darn easy. (28) I normally throw up at the mere mention of footy management, but Soccer Rivals is darn good. (29) The Raiders made theirs on the sideline watching Testaverde realize that he just might be able to win this darn thing. (30) Well, since the July 18-20 series with the Marlins, Veras has been darn near historic.