shouldn"t造句241. You shouldn't use inside information to feather your own nest.
242. One shouldn't listen in when other people are talking privately.
243. B: I really shouldn't, but I'll have a little icecream.
244. In the operation, darts shouldn't get to the bust point , or it will cause unfitness problem.
245. And you want a jib in radio ? shouldn't you be at school?
246. TV and computers shouldn't supplant time with others and cyber chats don't develop social ...
247. We are Catholic, you know. Shouldn't he have last rites?
248. You shouldn't haggle over every ounce when you do business.
249. A translator shouldn't intrude his own opinions into what he's translating.
250. But as the gag has it, we shouldn't be starting from here.
251. Now, if I'm a werewolf, I shouldn't be able to pick it up, right?
252. " You are so obnoxious! " fumed Miss Su. " You're completely prejudiced. You shouldn't be discussing poetry. "
253. Footman: Bah! We shouldn't even be here! Or siding with the orcs.
254. Mamma, said the poor girl, who was always ready for tears - you shouldn't be hard upon me.
255. You shouldn't regard such important work as a trifling matter.
256. We shouldn't go across the road until the indicator light turns green.
257. We run wild in Senior Three grade like and shouldn't have much tacit understanding tacitly more.
258. Why shouldn't we turn the tables by accusing a country of betraying the individual?
259. You shouldn't do things that against the law of nature.
260. Are you sure we shouldn't just lob this thing at the satellite?
261. You ought to exercise, and you shouldn't eat a lot of junk food.
262. With all respect I think we shouldn't talk about it in the abstract. Let's be concrete.
263. Oh , yes, that I shouldn't play too much mahjong.
264. You shouldn't be so grumpy to someone who's new in the neighborhood.
265. Why shouldn't you tell secrets near a wheat field or a potato patch?
266. You shouldn't have ditched class yesterday. We had an unannounced test.
267. Perhaps, you shouldn't even have bothered about this ungrateful lump of lard.