快好知 kuaihz

31. Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and. 32. Many people believe that overweight results overeating and stress. 33. Indigestion is induced by overeating. 34. Can you help us cure addictions such as overeating? 35. Divide your food and conquer overeating. 36. WASHINGTON - Overeating makes the brain go haywire, prompting a cascade of damage that may cause diabetes, heart disease and other ills,[http:///overeating.html] US researchers reported on Thursday. 37. What we've done is found a way to deliver the scents that can be added to food, in the form of flavorless crystals called Tastants, to prevent people from overeating. 38. Those athletes kept in training by not overeating and not smoking. 39. Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down! 40. The primary causes of obesity are lack of exercise and overeating. 41. This could be such things as overeating or overspending of money, or even more severe things such as drug or alcohol addiction or suicide attempts. 42. Cai believes his team has discovered a master switch for the diseases caused by overeating . 43. When you do, that's when overeating and poor food choices occur. 44. Legato. 'And as your thinking improves, your immune system improves, your digestion is better, you don't compensate by overeating or drinking, and your anxiety levels go down. 45. Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and stress. 46. Her parents told the researchers that the woman had received therapy for her "bulimic attacks, " and that over the past several years she had experienced periods of overeating. 47. No Clean Plate Club: Eating communally with family style plates encourages less overeating. 48. The precipitous decline in glucose can also lead to more hunger after a carbohydrate-rich meal and thus contribute to overeating and obesity. 49. Acupuncture is an effective alternative to drugs for the treatment of depression, drug and alcohol addiction, and other addictive behaviors such as smoking and overeating. 50. This was interpreted as to mean that ventromedial lesions in weanling rats also have caused hyperphagia although the overeating may be masked by the concommitant growth hormone insufficiency.