shoestring造句31. It is said that Henry Ford started his business on a shoestring.
32. I've been living on a shoestring since my father stopped sending me money.
33. It is said that John started his business on a shoestring.
34. He started his business on a shoestring and built it up gradually.
35. Trading on a shoestring raises the pressure to a deadly level.
36. He missed an attempt for a shoestring catch and the ball rolled to the bullpen.
37. He started his business on a shoestring and built it up.
38. It is said that Henry Ford started his business on shoestring.
39. Gary started this business back in 1975 on a shoestring.
40. I am often impressed at how first-time restaurateurs seem to fit out premises on a shoestring – using second-hand equipment, helping out themselves with the refurbishment and so on.
41. We've been living on a shoestring since my husband lost his job.
42. L . Walker , The Multi - State System of Ancient China, Shoestring Press, Connecticut, 1953.