快好知 kuaihz

with a will造句
1. The soldiers laid on with a will. 2. He set to with a will and soon finished it. 3. They fell to work with a will. 4. We turned to with a will. 5. She started digging the garden with a will. 6. They set to work with a will. 7. He went at it with a will. 8. They worked with a will and had cleared the path by 10.00 a.m. 9. The villagers went at building a dam with a will. 10. We set to work on this with a will. 11. They worked with a will, luxuriating in the feel of the sun on their bare backs. 12. For him to come up with a will dating back to 1993 is ridiculous. 13. But no one with a will to the service of others and of life would permit himself such an escape. 14. Training with A will allow both its unique a elements and the c elements to acquire associative strength. 15. She had set to with a will, but had been dismayed to discover that her appetite did not match it. 16. We set to work with a will. 17. The peasants are working with a will. 18. That youngster works with a will. 19. He began to study with a will. 20. The students go at their study with a will. 21. They pursue their goals with a will, with energy. 22. Lay into them with a will, then, and remember that this is the beginning of the end! 23. The Rubicon once crossed, they set to work with a will. 24. Edward had set himself with a will to put the place to rights. 25. The students set about doing their tasks with a will. 26. Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done. 27. It was hard work, but everybody at it with a will. 28. Oh yes, just like him, we're going out there to win, to accept the challenge with a will. 29. It was an easy opening circuit, but the riders attacked it with a will. 30. It was hard work, but everybody went at it with a will.