each and every造句61. I began to realize, despite all my powers, each and every citizen of Metra had something I didn't. A choice.
62. Magic Hand displays a consistent exploration of human emotions in a vibrant and visually captivating manner, reawakening sentiments and experiences from each and every one of ours past.
63. Does Singapore, to ensure championship , depend on a foreign legion in almost each and every competition?
64. He had a reputation of being an ornery SOB and the epitome of the loud, aggressive drill instructor, but each and every one of his recruits would forever utter his name with respect.
65. By no means does this follow that each and every university work is to be done be a doctorial staff.
66. In extended mode, the plugin converts each and every node into an array.
67. Each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle.
68. As to Count II, the Defendant invokes his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination as to each and every allegation contained in Court II.
69. We are determined to minimise the cost of each and every project and to maximise cost - effectiveness.
70. And Senator Brown and Congresswoman Kilroy and others, I know this is their number one concern each and every day.
71. So, if you just push the pedals down and let the chain go slack the other 250 degrees of the pedal stroke, you will be losing momentum with each and every dead spot.
72. The Chinese Government will honor each and every commitment it has made in Beijing's Candidature File and will do whatever it can to assist Beijing to fulfill its promises.
73. Individuals who are native to the islands of Moluccas would actually cultivate a specific clove tree for each and every single child that was born in their tribe.
74. We ignore these things and pretend that each and every poor person achieved their current state by being held down by the exploitative actions of others.
75. All of our beans are handmade and this looks like one of our red speckled Mango beans, the natural speckles are unique to each and every jelly bean due to the handmade process.
76. What is the root of each and every malady inflicting on us in point of fact?
77. Each daughter cell must receive an exact copy of each and every chromosome.
78. However, the problem is that vector processing assumes that each and every instruction will be applied to all elements of the vector.