快好知 kuaihz

acquainted with造句
31. Mr Reed was acquainted with Pedro Bissonnette. 32. So you are acquainted with Madonna Benedetta. 33. The ideal management of any case of RSI involves a doctor well acquainted with the subject, and a good physiotherapist. 34. Anyone acquainted with ancient ikons will recognise how acutely she has captured their essence. 35. We are all well acquainted with that other property of living things - their ability to reproduce themselves. 36. The councillor should become acquainted with the principal officers from whom he can gain a considerable amount of information and help. 37. He and Mr. O'Brien were acquainted with one another and on first name terms. 38. You had a month to become acquainted with her on Rhodes. 39. We all know him by reputation, and many of us are acquainted with him person-ally. 40. The only bison they need to get acquainted with is one with soap and water in it. 41. We have to become acquainted with the manifestations of fear before we can break its grip. 42. Finally, several newsgroups are aimed at helping new users get acquainted with Usenet. 43. All teachers must be acquainted with the use of cine projectors. 44. I read the literature, and became acquainted with the work of John Gurdon. 45. When he preached a funeral, you could tell he was acquainted with the deceased. 46. He'd become acquainted with her only hours before the hearing and would forget her minutes afterwards. 47. He has gone through a very extensive course of reading, and is acquainted with all the sciences. 48. These aim at implanting basic skills and making students acquainted with some fundamental topics and some classic philosophical texts. 49. The equity department was planning a boat trip to become further acquainted with the trainees on its short list. 50. We are probably also acquainted with examples where local and national government, large and big business impinge on the local community. 51. Students of literature who are sympathetic to, and at least partially acquainted with, speech act theory should find the arguments stimulating. 52. The number of scriptural references applicable to bereavement seemed legion - and Kenneth seemed to be acquainted with each and every one. 53. Mozart had become acquainted with the choirmaster there, Anton Stoll, for whom he wrote the exquisite motet Ave verum corpus. 53.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 54. His area supervisor will also be acquainted with it, but will possess a detailed knowledge only of its conspicuous problems. 55. I became acquainted with her brother Pavel Sergeevich Popov, a university professor. 56. As far as it goes, the film will be of passing interest to anybody acquainted with the myth. 57. Students are responsible for keeping themselves acquainted with notices posted on official notice boards. 4. 58. Indeed, we get acquainted with ourselves in books. 59. Are We Really Acquainted with Andersen? 60. We should get acquainted with our parents earlier.